Hard- 2021 Joy Dare


Happy Thursday Everyone! It seems as though each week there is one hard day in this challenge where I am left sitting thinking about that one gratefulness prompt for that day. This week I think everyday was hard- or maybe almost every day. I’m not really sure why it was like this, but sometimes even if it is difficult we need to still choose gratitude.

Day 24- 3 Gifts funny

  1. The kids- their antics and laughter fill our house with joy!
  2. Hubby- He always keeps me on my toes
  3. Animal videos and our animals too

Day 25- 3 gifts finished

For the record this is probably the hardest one for the week- We are in a season of new beginnings- We are “just starting” many new things

  1. It is Finished- the final words of Jesus – The atonement for my sins made complete
  2. Journals and sketchbooks
  3. Summer- as much as I hate seeing it go it is time to move forward

Day 26- 3 gifts Flourishing

  1. The petunia outside- We were given this gift as we left our church in the spring. That poor plant has been so much! We hung it on our hanging basket hook outside. It has been blown off twice- the pot is cracked ( for what its worth we have hung other things up there and they have never blown off). It has been overwatered- not by us but it had been caught in NUMEROUS torrential downpours. The leaves are almost non-existent. And a week ago I thought the plant was finished flowering for the season and was ready to dispose of it. The day I went out to do so I noticed a bud ready to bloom…upon closer investigation there were 4 buds and so I let the poor plant go. By the end of the week that poor sickly plant had 9 flowers open. So despite all of its circumstances it was still blooming!
  2. my heart as I seek to grow in my relationship with Jesus
  3. friendships

Day 27- a Gift unexpected, Uneven and Unpopular

  1. Unexpected- a Gift of thanks (a sincere one)
  2. Uneven- Playing field. watching the kids play soccer watching them overcome
  3. Unpopular- being different

Day 28- 3 gifts Shy

  1. a little boy stepping outside of his comfort zone making new friends
  2. Shy friends who show they care
  3. A little dog who hides behind my legs when new people comets visit

Day 29- 3 Gifts Shelved

  1. Books
  2. We have had to “Shelve” some normal life routines as we are in a new but temporary season of life.
  3. Homeschool Curriculum

Day 30-  3 gifts Shining

  1. The Sun – we have had much more sun over the last week!
  2. Stars- I love stars!
  3. Testimonies- like little bright lights pointing the way to Jesus in a dark World

And that my friends wraps up the month of September for Our Joy Dare posts.

I’m so glad you came by for the Joy Dare this week and I’m praying You all have a fabulous week full of gratitude and Joy!

And how about You what have you found joy in this week?

For more Joy Dare posts click here and for more Choosing Courage Posts click here.

To Check out The Joy Dare and One Thousand Gifts  by Ann Voskamp click here.