Happy Homemaker Monday -July 29, 2013

The Weather::
Gloomy and cool
Right now I am::

blogging :)…..no really, i am feeling encouraged!


i am thankful  that our 5 year old does not have seizures as suspected.   That he has completed all of his special education testing and that the fence is nearly finished

On my reading pile:::

a woman after God’s own heart

The bible

, one with a shepherd, 

women mentoring women

Amish cookbook

The wizard of oz series

On my tv:::


Favorite Blog post this week (mine or other):::


Something fun to share:::

A little over a year ago
On the menu for this week::

Monday -chef salads
Tuesday- bbq chicken, pot. Salad  mixed veggied
Wednesday- taco salad
Thursday dog bones and mac and cheese with baked beans
Friday Pizza
Saturday hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill french fries corn
Sunday Subs/

On my to do list:::

Monday- recover from the weekend, testing for #2 son, shopping, laundry
Tuesday- garden, sewing, bathrooms, bedroom
Wednesday-craftroom, dusting,sewing room , special ed meeting, friends over
Thursday -garden, laundry
Friday-baking, sewing, bathrooms, 2 closets
Saturday- Young Adult family picnic, laundry, garden , sewing

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::

A certain little bug has a birthday coming up AND i am making some fun clothes for her 18 in dolls


gardening! Afterall this rain my garden needs some serious weeding!

Looking around the house:::

our bedroom needs some help! I have clean clothes that need to be folded and put away.

Laundry to be folded in laundry room

Dishes to be washed

And all the camper dishes to be run through the dishwasher….1 word…MICE!

From the camera:::
On my prayer list:::

Friends and family,  the kids and families affected by the bus accident in the mid-west

Bible verse, Devotional:::

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path