Happy Homemaker Monday- 8/12/2013

The Weather:::Sunny and warm

Right now I am::stuffy from allergies and trying to keep myself from catching a cold.

Thinking:: of all the things I need to do after being sick for a few days then Sunday yesterday

On my reading pile::: A woman after God’s own heart, my bible, women mentoring women

On my tv::: pound puppies

Favorite Blog post this week (mine or other):::none really

Something fun to share:::

I get all sorts of strange items on my photo stream on my ipad


On the menu for this week::

Monday: roast potatoes and carrots in the crockpot

Tuesday: cream chicken, and pasta

Wednesday: loaded baked potatoes

Thursday:sloppy joes and roasted garden veggies

Friday: pizza night

Saturday: TBD

Sunday:crockpot chicken

On my to do list:: LAUNDRY, school shopping, finish the Virtue Training Bible (and write review) and write new Thomas nelson review

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating::: nothing at the moment.  I am tackling my mending box!

Homemaking:: Hubby is finishing up the tile backsplash around the kitchen and then i need to get that back in order

Looking around the house:::kitchen is disorganized because of the tile work, everything else is pretty good, and i have a ton of clean  laundry to fold

From the camera::


On my prayer list:::friends and family

Bible verse, Devotional:::trying my best to focus on God’s word.