Happy Homemaker August 10th 2015


The weather in my neck of the woods Well its warm and it WAS sunny but rain and T-storms are coming, I hear rain drops beginning to fall on the canopy That tools out from our camper

: Things that make me happy:Being at my favorite Bible conference

Menu for this week:easy stuff mainly sandwiches.  I’m only feeding me…because my hubby and kids aren’t her

What’s on my TV today:no TV this week.  the only video in the entire camper is the sound of Music with Carrie Underwood

Looking around the house: UMMM, camper.  I have been inside much but there are a few dishes and some general straightening that needs done

On my To Do List: write, read, write read, Posts for RGT and go to the bible conf services twice a day

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon: none right now

In the craft basket: nothing here. I have nothing crafty with me (SHOCKER)

Looking forward to this week: seeing my hubby and kids at the end of the week

Tips and Tricks: “YOU HAVE TO PUT ON YOUR OXYGEN MASK BEFORE YOU CAN HELP OTHERS WITH THEIR” Line from Mom’s Night Out.  The line my husband quoted to me as he left me here at our camper, my home for the week.

My favorite blog post this week: written by my friend Noelle Check it out here. (side note I hold different convictions to Noelle when it come to alcohol and thats ok because they are my convictions and not hers.  I think Noelle beautifully captures the hearts of most moms in her current phase of motherhood.  she is brutally honest which is refreshing and beautiful!)

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers): Check out Noelle’s blog here

No words needed (favorite photo or picture):  www.walking-by-faith.net-2

Lesson learned the past few days: They really are too many to count as I am spending every single moment alone…I know my introvertedness is glaringly obvious when I am by myself!  It really is quite funny.  I thin may be I have said 3 whole sentences in two days….outside of my talking to my hubby and kids on the phone

On my mind: DUH my husband and kids

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses: I have been reading and writing like crazy.  I have been writing about Eve.  Eve is an absolutely fascinating person!   Be watching for Wednesdays Coffe With Friends Post to see my Pen Pal Letter to Eve!

For More Happy Homemaker Posts Check out: http://familycorner.blogspot.com