Climbing High
What Are you Doing to Me!
No mommy I’m being Good

don’t think the picture shows it very well but between Lady Bug and
Tornado we have a mote between our side walk and front steps…It will
swallow you up…or just break an ankle!)
Here I come!
Sneaking a Hug
Look out MLB Here I Come!
Swinging Siblings!
Strike two!
Ready as I will Ever Be
This isn’t So Bad!
Mid Swing
Hey Where Do you Think you’re Going?
To The Park!
To The Park!
Not the Conventional Way!
Loves to ride his Tricycle
Fun Fun Fun!!!
How Sweet
Still trying
She’s Gonna Be our Roller Coaster girl!
All About Anything with an Engine!
Did i mention she like sliding too!
We just call him Coach!
She’s our Major dirt digger!
Vug has become a living breathing work of Art
Help From Daddy!
We will be heading to a local amusement park on Monday so be looking for updated photos…That is if I can remember the Camera! See you around the blogosphere!