I know That blogging never really happens for me over the weekend and yet we find ourselves on some CRAZY adventures and this weekend is NO different. And it culminated in one of the coolest concerts I have ever been to. THE NEWSBOYS !!! It’s rare that our weekends are slow and are usually JAM packed with ministry stuff. Well in all honesty this weekend was no different, but there were some crazy fun adventures as well.
A lot of times I get to Monday and say “Man I really wish I could recount everything!” Well I’m going to start doing just that!!!
Friday Night was our kids school concert. We always enjoy school concerts. They are very sweet moments as we see all the hard work our kids put in each semester! It ends with an ice cream social and a late night but so worth it 🙂
AM- Hubby has worship team practice. It’s a couple hours long, so the kids and I were in full clean up mode, getting ready for the babysitters that night . I had food to make for their dinner and prep work for our Youth Rally Gym night!
That afternoon was a friend’s 15 YO son’s birthday party. We were there for about an hour and then had to head back home.
Then it was back home to finish dinner prep and making sandwiches for the Youth Rally Gym Night. We measure the amount of sandwiches we make by the loaf. I made two loaves worth of sandwiches and took 6 bags of chips. The babysitters arrived at 4:30 and we were on our way @5…
PM Youth Rally Gym Night saw over 100 kids. (WHICH WAS AMAZING) a Local Christian Camp’s Assistant Director spoke, we played two Minute To Win It Games, SANG some great worship songs and then the kids were released into the local Middle school to play Basketball, swim, play volleyball, gaga ball, table games or to sumo wrestle in these giant Bubble balls. AND EAT!…cookies…..sandwiches….chips…..and they pretty much ate everything! (except the chips)
Home late again! BUT AGAIN totally worth it!
AM Church. We can’t skip church because we were out to late…My husband is the pastor after all..LOL We (hubby and I)also teach the 4 & 5 year old Sunday school class. At the last minute hubby found out he had to speak because our intern was SICK.
Sunday afternoon we as a family attended a local Autism Awareness event. It is our second year at the event. This year we had our college students who work with our son with Autism there with us. They are amazing! The local college football team was also there playing with the kids. They were so huge BUT great with the kids. Our youngest son said to us on the way home, “I must be famous because they kept picturing me”! The football players wanted to take pictures with the kids for school!
Sunday Night…and the Biggest surprise…. we have been holding a secret from our kids for a couple of weeks now, and how they didn’t Figure it out is well, quite frankly beyond me. They got to go to their first big concert…and it was a HUGE concert. The #Newsboys, with Audio Adrenaline OBB and Ryan Stevenson. First, check that off this Mama’s bucket list. I have been a huge fan of the Newsboys since I was in high school….which was *Cough* years ago….ahem. and it carried through to this day and I have trained up my children in the way they should go…..it was great to watch them rock out to Big House, by Audio Adrenaline and I Believe and God’s Not Dead…..OH AND LETS NOT FORGET JESUS FREAKS. Which BTW is crazy what they do with the drummer during this song, JUST SAYIN’

YES That is the drummer tipped on his side….and yes he was spinning 🙂
I think one of the most amazing things is hearing THOUSANDS of people whisper “God’s Not Dead He’s surely alive” it’s no longer a whisper….and isn’t that how it really is? iIf each once of us as believers stood next to each other, and whispered that truth….together, unified, it wouldn’t be a whisper….it’s a roar! A GREAT GIANT ROAR! But instead we stay tucked away hidden, keeping our mouth closed tightly…..
Thanks Newsboys, Audio Adrenaline, OBB and Ryan Stevenson for a great show. It’s good to see my kids enjoying every single minute. Our lives had been infused with some very hard unspeakable things, and it was so amazing to watch them have so very much fun..
To step outside the fears of this life, which has recently reared it’s ugly little head again as one of our sons said “mommy can we go back to ________ to the place where my friend is? You know the place _______ and I went every week” (he is referring to his counselor’s office) to see them shout out truth, being sung into their little lives, to see the smiles, and to hear shouts, whoops and hollers praising their Savior……makes the fear melt away, at least for a few hours!
And this…This is what I am enjoying today….HOME and sunshine!! I LOVE SPRING 🙂