My day started out so great. I got up at 4 or 4:15…that’s part of why it was so good, sounds kinda sick to me but It was a good thing.. I got my devos done by 6:00 and my cards organized by 6:30. I was ready to hit the ground running. the kids don’t get up until 8, so I took the time to add a desired page to my website. I will provide a link here and a link on my sidebar. As planned the kids got up at 8 and I went to get them. I got tornado and fed him his breakfast while I went to get ladybug. They both ate like troopers and during that time I got like 1/2 my cards done..and I have 43 cards to do for the day. I’ll explain the cards in a minute. Anyway I took the kids up staiis for diaper changes because we discovered not long ago that both kids like to poop during breakfast. I changed diapers and clothes then tornado wanted a story. than two than three until we read five or six books. my tongue was tired because they were mostly Dr. Suess. So I took lady bug to my room so I could do some straightening of a mess leftover from when we did our rearranging this last weekend. No sooner did I leave Tornado started wailing and screaming and throwing things down the steps. this went on for 15 minutes, however I reached the end of my rope when ladybug started to cry cause it was her nap time! so I quickly told tornado that it was either calm down or it was going to be early nap time. He didn’t like either option and began to throw an even bigger tantrum(You know the kind that has arms flailing and legs kicking so I scooped him up place him in bed, disciplined him and closed the door. That was at 10:30 they are both sound asleep and I feel a lot better not that I just vented!!