A full sized replica of the Parthenon was erected for the world’s fair…I just remember which one
But it has been standing there in the middle of Nashville for more than a hundred years

This is a statue of John Ryman which stands outside the entrance of the Ryman Audotorium in Down toen Nasville the last of five homes of the Grand Ole Opry. John Ryman owned 5 river boats which were known for drinking and gambling and was very mad when a preacher came through town to do some revival meeting…He (the preacher) insisted that they close down all bars and gambling locations. To this John ryman was irrate and went to cause trouble with the preacher. John ryman left that meeting with the preacher with a lot more than he bargained for…he got saved!!! He donated the money to build that preacher a church..Known today as the Ryman Audotorium!

A note from Hee Haw…Grandpa Jones was twenty seven when he started playing grandpa Jones.. Minnie Pearl also confessed and lived he Life as a Christian

From the balcony at the Ryman
Note the church pews…they are originals..They cleaned them up a few years back and the scraped of the gum but they left the dings and scrathes

The most famous of which is a huge three demensional carving of the Last supper and a stained glass window that is 20 feet tall and 8 feet wide. Both of which is so amazingly beautiful
Well tomorrow is a new day and we will be visiting the Country Music Hall of fame!
Have a great day and many blessings to you!!