Disgusting,Absolutely Disgusting! On My computer clock as I type it is 4:10..That would be AM. YUCK!
To what do I owe this pleasure of being awake at this awful hour? Sickness. When we went away on vacation one week ago we left Thursday night. We got to the Bible Conference and set up camp. Yes we took the three kids tent camping and had a blast. The kids did great despite the fact they woke up Friday morning with three runny noses. I was told by the nursery workers that a near by farm had just mowed three fields of hay. Ding Ding..Allergies. Anyway by Friday they had coughs that left a lot to be desired!
I was having trouble with my hay fever a bit but it was nothing outside the norm, that is until Tuesday morning when I woke up not feeling up to snuff! Boy did that spiral downwards fast!
This thing is like half cold and half flu. Complete with fever/chills! Not bad ones..just enough to make you miserable! Poor tornado though he coughs so hard he makes himself sick!
So back to the reason for this post. It is just after 4 am and I DO NOT want to be awake.. I took Day Quil when I went to bed.. Yes that sounds stupid but I have a really good reason. NyQuil knocks me out for a day and a half, and makes me so loopy and out of it so as a mom and a wife that just isn’t possible (or safe)! So I take Day Quil and it knocks me out too. Only just not as long and I am not half as loopy;) That is until i am on the mend….and there is no way of knowing that Until I hit a n almost sleepless night!So TaDa I must be on the mend.
Which I am sure everyone including my house will be very grateful for!