Have you Ever…….

Now I must start out this post with a disclaimer. I have no idea who I am writing about. It was just a random person my husband and I saw along the road this week and were amused! We have never seen anything quite like it so if it was you, we are sorry but it was just so different. So my question is Have you ever seen ..someone vacuuming their yard? No I am not kidding and Yes I am quite serious. Last Saturday being my birthday we went out . Not having been out for some time, we went to a bulk foods store then came back for lunch and then went in the opposite direction to the big city. I had a great day but it was on the way to the Bulk foods Store that we drove past someone with a Shop Vac (R) out along the road Vacuuming SOMETHING. Hubby and I both laughed and and made a few comments and we were on our way but I can honestly say it was a very funny thing to see. Oh yes did I Tell you that this is my third birthday pregnant! (No big deal you say, but those three birthdays are in a row!)