like a really bad mom because you fed your kids lunch and put them down for their afternoon nap by 10:40. Well I have decided how bad I feel about that right now because I just did it. I need a nap and some quiet. It’s was a really hard morning with the washing machine, the dryer and numerous other kitchen gadgets running so I could get life in order. I also had the radio on for Tornado who loves any and all kind of music. Lady bug wouldn’t drink her formula so she screamed. I took her up to her room for a while so she could decide if she wanted to eat or not. She back back down about 45 minutes later and drank it all but a little bit and then had 2 helpings of baby cereal. Tornado has done nothing but whine for the last three days. He had an accident that has just made him whiny. So as you can see I was and still am pretty stressed not to mention my upper back and neck are completely out of whack and I have had a low dull headache today. And all I have to say is GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Is anyone elses day been like this!