It hasn’t been a week yet and I missed day already So here is a combined post for yesterday and today.
I am working on completing a one year bible reading schedule I started a few years ago! The only reason that I want to finish it..besides the fact that I hate leaving things undone, is I was writing out one to two sentences about what I had picked up from reading the passages.
So the dates I am on are Aug 27 & 28 ….It was back in 2004. I had been away on Vacation to PEI and I had forgotten my devotional stuff so I read something else..Right after I got back from the trip I got pregnant with Tornado so that threw everything into a tizzy as well…And it has been crazy ever since!
So I am in the Books of Job, Proverbs, and Ephesians.
I have been able to understand Job more over the last few weeks than ever before , it’s amazing to see how you can read and re-read something time and time again and not understand it until the Holy Spirit opens your eyes and heart to it.
This has been the case for me and the book of Job. I particularly struggled with why exactly Job was wrong…yes I have read the end of Job Many many times..and if you read all of it in the wrong tome than you can misunderstand many things in life. (This is why I would much rather talk to a person face to face or over the phone than email or letters..because I am left to determine the tone and that never seems to turn out in my favor) Anyway so through reading Job again…and focusing on the end, I am finally getting the big picture.
Job talks throughout the book about being blameless and having done nothing wrong….he has no fault..he is innocent. The problem is that Job is a man. The story of Job has been placed on the time line of biblical events to have happened after The Fall..yet before Noah and the Flood. So Job is a sinner linked back to when Adam and Eve fell into sin. So therefore in a way Job is elevating himself to a god-like position.
God points this out to Job by pummeling him with question after question…with the likes of were you there when the foundations of the earth were laid? Do you understand how this works and that works. Job was given no time to answer with over 20 questions asked….when God finally stops Job is left humbled with not much to say for himself. So God starts in again….
This is where I am for today. I understand the problem with Job now. We do not understand the reason for the plans God has for us. Nor should we because I think in some cases I would run away with my proverbial tail between my legs!
Jeremiah 29:11 says..
For I know the thoughts (plans) I think toward you, says the Lord,thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Speaking of this promise. I saw the Good Morning America interview with robin Roberts and the Chapman family and wow what an amazing story of a family who seems to be really living out the faith to that verse! What an encouragement!