It’s taken 94 days- It was something I actually feared coming into this writing Challenge. But not until today did I experience writer’s block. The funny thing about this bout of writers block is that I have lots of topics but I have hit a point where I have hit my word limit.
I deal with this a lot in my everyday life mostly because I am an introvert and when I have used up my words for the day I am don Just let me wrap up in a blanket and go off to sleep.
This is something I have noticed about myself throughout this project. If I wake up in the morning and jump right into writing it’s not a problem BUT…..if I am doing a lot of talking either as I am writing OR before I start writing one of two things happens. I can either write a little and have to pick it up when everyone else is in bed or I don’t write at all and then it is a real struggle toto write the post right before bed. I stuck with it. I posted something every single day BUT I can read through the posts and I can almost always tell you which ones I wrote in the mornings or the evenings (without looking at the timestamp)
My Word Bank
I have learned that I need to spend my words wisely. Because if I don’t something suffers….
I feel bad for people who call me on the phone at night time because my words have all been used up. I never realized it until the other night. Hubby called I found myself repeating uh huh and he asked me if I was still there TWICE. And one thing I have never struggled with is talking to him. We started talking one day and we have never stopped. We can talk about anything.
So as I sat here tonight looking at the two lines of the blog post I needed to write today I asked myself why the words couldn’t formulate in my head clearly- I knew exactly what I wanted to say. I have all my notes.
Don’t Force it
Another thing I have learned is that if it won’t come don’t force it. I did that with a post a few weeks into this writing project. I woke up the next morning and deleted most of it and rewrote it.
When the words don’t come it’s ok. AND it’s took to write an honest post about where you are at and what you are struggling with. Leave the post for that day for another day.
A New sense of freedom
And out of a simple case of writer’s block a new sense of freedom is realized. It’s ok not to meet even my own standards because sometimes life is crazy. Some days it’s ok to do something differently than you had originally planned.
This is just a small snippet of the things I have learned over the last 13 weeks of this writing project. It has been very freeing and eye opening to learn these things.
It gives me a greater understanding f how to move forward in my blogging and in life. This allows me to see why I need to sleep after interacting with a lot of people or a prolonged interaction or intense interaction.
Thanks for joining me on this weird little blog post about writers block and an introduction of sorts to some of the things I have learned about myself during this project. I am sure there is more to come!
You can check out the other posts in the choosing Courage -100 day Blogging Project here..