Impatience…we all have it. And it hits when we are usually wrapped up in our own circumstances. I know that’s when I struggle with impatience the most.
And our impatience almost always results in us being unkind….and unkindness is unloving….and those my friends are HUGE Negative Influences.
Impatience impacts so many people. It wasn’t long ago I was watching a TV show where someone was impatient with a person in a restaurant. and before long the impatience snowballed and one person’s impatience ended up impacting EVERYONE in the restaurant. That’s not a far stretch either.
You have to look no farther than your own home.
I mean seriously one little act of impatience by a parent and it trickles right down the ranks and in the end the poor dog gets the raw end of the stick! I joke- but its’strue.
That’s the ripple effect we have and before long our whole family is teetering on edge…and it doesn’t just stay in our home. Hubby can take his impatience to work and Junior can take his impatience to school and mama can be impatient with the mailman, Repairman or some poor defenseless wrong number caller. (or telemarketer- hehehe- guilty as charged).
Our impatience hurts our testimony and it hurts those we love. We can make a choice to be patient and kind.
We need to remember Ephesians 4:1-3 NLT
Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. 2 Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. 3 Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.
Do you see that? We are CALLED by God to be Humble,, gentle, patient with each other. BUT HOW? By making allowance for each others faults- because of your love.
We need to make EVERY effort to remain unified in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.
All of these attributes are linked….You cannot be prideful and have peace……you cannot be impatient and have peace……You cannot be unloving and have peace and you you cannot have unity and be lacking in any of these.
Choosing patience is rooted in seeking to understand where other people are coming from. We need to stop expecting others to be patient with all while being impatient with whomever we choose.
We need to choose to be the living breathing example of patience- because it starts with me…and it starts with you.
Now it’s your turn
Ask God to show your the impatience places in your heart. Ask him to help you make moment by moment choices that are rooted in understanding of what other people might be going through and to make allowances when they fall short. Ask God to help you have and extend the same grace He has given to you. And this isn’t just about praying these words but actually choosing to follow God when the rubber meets the road.
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Choosing Courage 100 Day Writing Project
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