To-Do Thursday

To-Do List

1. get Ready for camping√
a. Pack Clothes
b. House in order
c. Food packed
d. Diaper/Toiletries packed
2. 75% of cards done
3. finish decluttering closet/soon to be bathroom!
4. Menus for next week
5. Something Fun!

To-Do Thursdays

Can you believe it is Thursday already!?!
It’s crazy when you can’t even do your own original meme! We have been so busy. we went on vacation…then while on vacation the kids got sick..we came home and I got sick,,,,We went away to Akron for Happy Hubby to speak at a church there and now here I am trying to get back into some form of routine. So in an attempt to do so here is my list for today

1. Dishes all done (
√) It took me 4 hours. Between chasing kids and cleaning the sink out and wiping down the coutertops and de-cluttering All the flat surfaces in the kitchen Whew I needed a break!)
2. Organize card file (AGAIN!)(√ )I was only a week off so it didn’t take very long
3. Finish up Vug’s Room ((√)All I have to do is vacuum! When I was working in there though i discovered a wasp problem. There’s no trim around the window B/C we will be working in there in about a month or so. So now we are going to have to spray around the window in the BABY”S room! YUCK!!!
4. !/2 of our room
5. Clean out fridge
6. Organize and de-clutter shelves in laundry room(√)
7. Dinner has to be ready before 6 pm(√)
8. Phone interview that I also have to attend(√)
9. Catch up on writing out the book of Proverbs
10. Read for fun!!

I know it’s a long list but I need to get back into the swing of things! So this week it is 10 things and hopefully by next week I will be back to my normal 5!

(EDIT: So yesterday I got 7/10 that’s not half bad! I will definitely get to my room today and hopefully have a chance to relax! Oh and tonight is our night out so it should be fun Well Unless something strikes me this is it for the day. Have a good one!)


And last but definitely not least is my to-do list for today! Whew! I feel winded. three posts in one. I have had a lot on my mind and no time to write about them!So here it is!


1. Finish putting winter coats in the Attic!
2. Finish filling out my prayer sheets
3. Do 75% of my cards!
4. Locate the rest of our camping equipment. (Bible conference vacation is in one week! And we thought we weren’t going to get a vacation this year!!!!)
5. . Wash the coats for the yard sale

As you can tell my to-do list has been cut in half only because mt card file takes care of all the normal cleaning stuff so check back later to see how I did!

To-Do thursdays!

My To-Do List

  • Organize the rest of the Vug’s room
  • Organize my sewing desk
  • Finalize menu plans for tomorrow nigh (we have friends coming for dinner)
  • Work on b-day gifts for friends
  • get rid of the huge pile of dishes in my sink
  • get Vug moved from the cradle to the crib
  • put the house back in order!

Check back later to see how I did!

TO-DO Thursdays

So here it is My To-do List for Thursday


1. Write out Proverbs 15:16-26
2. Complete 75% of my cleaning cards (click here for an explanation)
3. Clean our bedroom
4. reorganize clothes situation in Vug’s room
5. clean out medicine cabinet in bathroom.
6. Have a cup of tea and relax
7. Call a friend

I know it’s a shorter list but that’s the whole point of the card system so my To-do lists are shorter!

EDIT:So all I got done was the last one. I called a friend. Don’t get me wrong I did lots of work and accomplished some of all of the above just not enough. I used to get side tracked by fun things now I get side tracked by my kids. I’m not saying they are not fun. It’s the actions in which I have to constantly clean up after that isn’t so much fun! The plight of a parent!