Yesterday i had worked on a Tackle project took the pictures and well was ready to post last night. However we received a phone call from the head of the pulpit committee y husband and I have been communicating with over the last 4 months. I knew as soon as I heard the gentleman’s voice that it wasn’t going to be good. I took the phone to my husband. I left the room and went to put away more clothes When I went back he looked as though he were ready to cry. We had just spoken at the church two Sundays ago and the reception was wonderful. We really felt like this is where God was leading us. Now we are back to square one again. Please keep us in prayer as we very much felt a part of this church when we went there. I guess we have to go through a mourning process so to speak.. The people there were great. Our fears of being too young came to be I guess!
Category: Tackle it Tuesday
Tackle it Tuesday
Well It has been a while hasn’t it. Well Let’s start with last Tuesday’s Tackle! It’s a Boy…I wish I had pictures but our card thingy isn’t compatible with our rebuilt computer yet so that will have to wait! Sorry ladies. He weighed 7 pounds 6 ozs and was 20 inches long. He is so tiny compared to what the other two were when they were born. Tornado was 8lbs and 3oxs and Lady bug was a whopping 8lbs 13 ozs. As for this Tuesday I am trying to master the new Microsoft word program and type our Christmas letter. That is the last piece to the Christmas cards..they will be already to send out. And finally all of the Christmas shopping except for baby #3 is finished. Then all I have left to do is cookies for our three wonderful neighbors, plan the youth group Christmas party, and finish decorating the tree..(we need hooks so I can finish). Well that’s about it for me! How about you?
Tackle it tuesday…magazine Mahem
I have a subscription to family circle (R ) I love the magazine i hat all the ads. So A while ago I decided that i have this great file system I had to make in a women’s ministry class in college I might as well utilize it to the fullest.I tear out the articles and then staple and file them.
I separate them into three categories: those that can be staple and filed right away, Those articles that share a page. For that problem I photocopy the last page that is shared and attach it to the corresponding article. And then finally food. They obviously get filled in a cook book in the kitchen.
Then they get stapled after this process the get separated into the folder categories they fit!
Then they get filed. My husband has a numbering system kind of like the Dewey Decimal system but modified to fit in depth religious works and is legal to use. FYI If I remember correctly if you want to use the Dewey system you have to purchasing licensing permission. There are other systems available and you can find them online. My husband got his from a professor in seminary!
Tackle it Tuesday
Wow i have been out of the saddle in a while. I have felt bad about not blogging in a while, but I have been combating numerous different issues both with the pregnancy and with life in general. I have been away from home every weekend the last month some of those were without hubby and the kids. this past weekend was such a weekend. I went to a ladies retreat with my mother-in law. What a disaster that turned out to be. We ended coming home early because I was sicker than sick. I am pretty sure I had a pretty bad case of food poisoning and lost a couple of pounds in a day! So my tackle it for this Tuesday morning is to get prepared for tomorrow and Thursday when I go in to speak to my Mother-in-laws 6th grade home and careers class about babysitting. would gladly accept any insights as to what you look for in a baby sitter.