Treasures of Encouragement-My Walk Monday

Have you been encouraged by someone lately>  Or better yet Have YOU ENCOURAGED SOMEONE lately?

In our ladies Sunday school Class we have been going through the Practical Study set forth in the book Treasures of Encouragement by Sharon Betters.

i have read the book previously and I am very passionate about this subject!
As believers we need to realize as the book says they we ARE God’s Promise keepers-What a concept…..

I mean really your spirit and attitude of encouragement may be the only positive thing in someones life and it may be the ONLY Christ they have ever.

After all we are called to be Christ-like and moody, cranky bad reactions are not anywhere close to being Christ-like.   SOOo what are you conveying are you being a promise keeper or a person of impatience, or shows a lack of compassion?

Monday and it has been a long week already!

The rest of the week promises to be just as exciting as today was.It’s funny we have friends who can tell you pretty much what each day holds. Minus emergencies of family proportions BUT as a pastor’s family you have to be ready for everyone ele’s family emergencies too.  I’m okay with this.  I always have been.  Matter of fact I like being helpful and I love being able to show GOD’S love through my service.

It is hard to watch people hurting so much BUT the joys outweigh the bad by a long shot.  Seeing people come to a saving knowledge of Christ…seeing believer’s reconnect with their redeemer and both children and adults alike discover something new about their Savior.

We have now watched two of our children come to a saving knowledge of Christ and what a blessing that has been!! Tornado and Lady Bug both witinh two or three weeks of turning 4 chose to follow Cheist,   Now we have the daunting task of discipling them….

It seems as though everytime you have the slightest doubt in whay you taught or said God answers it with a big “Idon’t think so”

It’s wonderful that it is Him who opens hearts and minds and not just the words hubby or I say…because then NO ONE would ever understand!….

LORD you are truely amazing and tahnk you so much for using hubby and I .  We want to serve you All the days of our lives!!! Please help us to keep that focus! AMEN!

My Walk Monday- Aug 31 2009

This Past Friday My Husband had to do his second memorial service. That
makes a total of five to attend since we have been here. My husband’s
first memorial service was a woman Named Patty and she was the wife to
the man who passed away early last week.
Patty’s death was not a shock…she had been ailing for years and both
she and her husband Perry were nearing 90. And oh what a couple they
were But that is another blog post entirely!
What I wanted to write about was not what my husband said but what
another pastor said…and I have NEVER heard before!!
Psalm 23, a common passage read at funerals and memorial services and
sometimes taken out of context. Let me Explain…..
“Lo though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear
no evil”
It never dawned on me before but that is not the person who died…they
are not walking in the Shadow of death…They have passed through it
already. This passage is referring to the loved ones and it is a psalm
of comfort to those who are grieving someone who has died!
Now some or all of you may have knooown that but it gave me new light
on something so familiar!

My Walk Monday- July 27 2009

Fear 101-Exodus 15:16

I know I know it has been way WAY to long hasn’t it well, here we go and this time we are in Exodus.

FEAR and dread shall fall upon them;
By the greatness of thine arm they shall be as still as stone;
Till thy people pass over, O LORD,
Till the people pass over,which thou hast purchased.
Exodus 15:16

This is a verse out of the Song of Moses after the Israelites were saved from their bondage to the Egyptians. They had just crossed over the red Sea and saw a great miracle as they crossed dry land and they rejoiced and were talking of the fear of the Egyptians.

My Walk monday – Fear 101

Well here it goes after I Promised yesterday a verse by verse look
at fear-It’s amazing thatthe first mention of fear is right after the
flood! It is found in Genesis 9:2 (note this will be in the KJV until I
get a new ESV!) Genesis 9:2And the FEAR
of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth, and
upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and
upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.
Hmmm, I see a few things here.

  • Funny how we (humans) are the very first thing “feared” in the Bible. NOT GOD. Perhaps that is why the flood happened!
  • there was no mention of fear prior to this verse….even after the
    fall. Fear was not a result of the fall! (very interesting to me since
    we Christians leand ourselves to blaming all unpleasant thngs to the
  • in verse three it refers to men eating meat…despite the fact men had been wearing furs for clothing since the fall

Okay so a few questions…

  • why after the flood and why not after the fall
  • what is the difference between killing an animal for clothing and killing an animal for food
  • Why hasn’t the fear of God been mentioned to this point

Okay so do you have any thoughts i would love to hear them!