Happy Thursday everyone and welcome to this week’s installment of the Joy Dare. I cannot believe it has been 8 months on this journey.
I have found this most helpful in my prayer time. In recent years as I have sought to grow in my prayer time but I always struggled with feeling and knowing I was forgetting important parts of prayer. So I went back to the very simple but effective Acrostic ACTS
Adoration (Praise)
Confession (admitting and repenting of sin)
Thanksgiving (Gratitude)
Supplication ( prayer Requests)
I don’t strictly follow these in order though it REALLY helps my scatter brained nature in line. So I just added the Joy dare into the Thanksgiving section of my prayer time
Day 27- 3 Gifts New
New Beginnings
New School Year
New Journal to start next week
Day 28- 3 gifts long awaited
New church- still waiting- making closer steps
Soccer season has started
Wrapping up a study
Day 29- A gift one, two, three
One – God to worship and Praise
Two- more days left in August
Three-Planners- school, mobile (as in it goes with me)
Day 30- 3 Gifts small
little changes that change a church culture
words of encouragement- insignificant on their own- powerful when put together
a smile- full of love yet often taken for granted
Day 31- 3 miracles
every new day-to write a part of your Story Lord through it we get to share Jesus with the world
Jesus- everything about him!
flowers- They can withstand storms, poring rain and some can even withstand Cold and snow. They remain beautiful through the storm- what a testament to God’s care
Day 1- 3 Gifts of summer
Adventures with Friends
warm sunny weather
longer days (aka more sunlight)
Day 2-3 gifts cut
Rosie’s haircut she is much cooler now
Family time Cut out of a very Busy Schedule
Paper Scraps cut to make cards
So how about you? What are some of the little things you are thankful this week and bring you great Joy. I know as I get older I am discovering that it’s the simple little things that bring me some of the greatest Joy!
Want more information about Joy Dare or One Thousand Gifts You can check them out on Ann Voskamp’s website.
Dear Senior Me landed on my blog post idea list back around 2013-2014. It came to me after I wrote a blog post called “A Letter to my Adolescent Self”
It was a brief letter I wanted to write to tell the past me to avoid certain pitfalls. What to focus on and not be afraid of. I was afraid of a lotto stuff back in my teenage years too. And then I had this fabulous idea. Write to myself about all the things I didn’t want to forget as I got older! At that point I was 33 years old. Today I am 41. 8 years- almost to the day that I hit publish on that letter to me. I read it for the first time in 8 years today and I nearly made myself cry.
Why Dear Senior Me wasn’t written until now
There’s only one answer FEAR. I only know that the things I want to say to myself could potentially sting others and so I chose to ignore it …There were other easier things to write.
There was a verse that started it all too. I posted it this morning on facebook as I was preparing for this post!
Deuteronomy 4:9
The reality is this isn’t about anybody else than the things I want to remember as a senior adult. If it stings I’m sorry. This isn’t about anyone but me and who I want to be at 60-70-80 years old. But if it stings I urge you to take those stings to God .
So without any more procrastination (8 years was long enough don’t you think)…..
Dear Senior Me
Dear Senior Mary,
Wow what a life you have had! It has been a rollercoaster for sure. There have been ups and downs and hairpin turns. AND so much laughter and joy even in the midst of the hardest days. Don’t forget the laughter and don’t forget the hard days.
Don’t lose sight of the fact that you aren’t perfect and that you don’t have all the answers. The Younger generation doesn’t need you to fix them and all their “wrong ideas”. They need to know that you genuinely care about what matters to them. They need to hear your war stories if you will but they also need you to listen- to really hear their hearts struggles. They need to know that you don’t just like to hear yourself talk.
Remember that there is world outside of Hetlerville and a world beyond your comfy home.
Listen to your grandkids music and dance with them. Take the time to learn about them the way that you did with your children. Teach them that it’s ok to play video games every once in awhile but that people are way more important.
Play games and have inside jokes. Keep their favorite movies and snacks on hand so they want to just come and hangout.
Embrace change that fits within the parameters of the gospel. Remember it’s ok to have fun in church.
Don’t focus on all your ailments. Don’t be rude to people about their looks. It’s not your job to commentate about weight or anything else that is different about a person. Mary’s really remember how much you taught your children to be kind…..You ALWAYS need to be living breathing example because you never know who is watching you.
Remember all the struggles you had at being a new parent, about finding out your sweet little boy had autism and all the negativity that came with it Remember those who came along side you and put their arms around you and said I will walk though this storm with you.
Remember to walk up to a teenager and ask them how their week went. Take them out for ice cream and invite them into your home and when you do that remember not to complain about how awful 2050’s are and how great the 1990’s and early 2000’s were.
Remember Titus 2 is about you seeking out the younger women and not that the younger women seeking you out.
Oh Dear Senior Mary remember to love full of grace and mercy. It is what has gotten you this far in life and it is what will get you through these next years. You have made it through so much and God has never left your side- He has even carried you when it was too difficult to make it on your own. You have had many trials and sad moments but remember that joy comes in the morning and you are nearing the greatest joy of all.
Share that joy with everyone. Be grateful for the amazing adventures you had and don’t harbor bitterness and jealousy. What someone else has is meant for them not you. YOU have your own journey that has been so full of blessings.
What? You don’t remember them? You have countless journals stowed away in boxes that are chock full of blessings that you took the time t name one by one. You did that for a reason- to remember! Dig them out! Read Them! Praises Jesus for the work he did in your life.
Oh and one last thing- You aren’t dead yet! No I’m not kidding so still go on adventures. AND take someone with you! One of your kids, grandkids, your HUBBY! or maybe a friend or two. Don’t forget to share your testimony and all that God has given you on your great adventure.
Good evening friends- I cannot believe it is time for the week 2 update! And I most certainly CAN”T believe this is my 16th blog post in a row! This is supper exciting I am two weeks into building this habit! I know I can’t keep up this pace forever but I need to finish this journey and build this new habit.
Reading Update
If you haven’t seen a few of my earlier posts you know that we started school yesterday. I spent last week setting up computers and the like so reading was at a minimum last week and even the beginning of this week. So I don;’t have any updates from the book (don’t get me wrong I have still been reading, it has just been smaller chunks and there hasn’t been as many journaling spots so by next week I should have a bunch to share with you.
Blog Posts Update
I think I have settled into a routine with the posts. I have a schedule of arts-
Monday- Happy Homemaker Monday
Tuesday- Weekly Update
Wednesday- Blog post from my lengthy post list I have been making for sometime
Thursday- One Thousand Gifts JoyDare (Gratitude Post
Friday- Whatever suits my fancy
Saturday- From the blog post list
Sunday- A Time to play Post
I am excited to see where this all goes. I do have to go back and do some fixing on some blog posts I had some pictures that wouldn’t load properly and other technical issues.
The Struggles
There were some days this last week where I felt overwhelmed and tired. I could have talked myself into taking a night off but the reality go the matter is this habit and practicing my writing is super important to me. In the past I would have given up too easily. Through the last 9 months God has really convicted me of taking the easy way out. It’s hard watching people take the easy way out. And all I keep hearing roll around in my head is “anything worth having is worth fighting for”. I want to use this time fore growth- my growth both in courage and intentionality (intentional is my word for the year) is definitely worth fighting for.
So I fight
I fight through the struggles and the temptation to give up. I fight for the habit. I fight for having a purposeful blog. I fight for my growth. both in discipline, skill and diligence.I fight for perseverance. I fight for and choose Courage!
Will you Join me?
For more of my Choosing Courage Blog posts Click Here
Oh and one more thing….We are going to finish ESTER!!! I had put the liist of post ideas away for “SAFE KEEPING” (HA) and I found them yesterday so expect those to show up soon! I am SOOOOO excited!
HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL here in the Walking by Faith House!
The weather…..
This week we really start to see some cooler temps . We are trying too eek in our last summery moments . We will dip down into the 60’s later this week
Right now I am….
I am sitting at the kitchen table listening to a Tv show on my phone. I’m about to make myself a cup of tea and take my book up to bed.
I may not have been completely ready to start back to school today with the kids but it was good and what was needed for them and for me. I enjoy (mostly this season of life with our family right now. Homeschooling was something I never thought I would do but it has been so good for us and we have grown so much through all of this and its fun to watching the kids eager to learn.
On my reading pile….
I’m still reading The same books as last week but we added a Hudson Taylor Biography for morning basket
Hello Fears
Get Out of Your Head
A time Management book (Can’t remember the title)
my Bible
On my TV…..
YouTube art videos and Touched by an Angel
On the menu for this week….
Monday -BLT’s Tuesday – Beef Stroganoff Wednesday -Meatball Subs Thursday – Chili and Biscuits Friday – Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole Saturday – ???? Sunday – Pasta and Garlic Bread
On my to do list….
Kitchen needs to be deep Cleaned
Finish the Homeschool planner.
Purge Kitchen cabinets
clean and purge craft room
finish emptying craft closet
In the craft basket….
Nothing at the moment
Looking forward to this week….
last summer moments with friends
Looking around the house….
all the cleaning and organizing listed above
From the camera….
First Day oof 10th, 9th, 8th, and 6th.
On my prayer list…..
All of the places around the world in horrible turmoil, the south. Friends and family going through some rough spots and wisdom for our journey
Bible verse, Devotional….
Still studying through Philippians one but I’m thinking that taking some time away from that to adjust to a new schedule might be necessary. I’m going to take a peak tonight at options and let you know next week what I have decided
Welcome to our new weekly blog post, A Time to Play. Sunday afternoon’s were made for relaxing in our house. It is something we have made a huge priority over the last few years. We guard it pretty closely and it ends with a date night rotating amongst the family members. It’s a way that my very busy Hubby is able to spend quality time with each one of us.
Well this is the beginning of what I hope to carve out some time to learn some new skills. As we have had to change our schedules when hubby left his ministry it has been difficult to find the time for my craftiness. (HEHEHE- that just sounded kinda funny)
Scheduled play Time
Now each week will look a little different- some weeks I will share some artwork or I might share a favorite supply
This week for instance I am going to share….
I have had this Eastpak Back Pack since I was in High school- It has been half away around the world with me and back again. It has been through 4 years of college too. It has been camping and hiking and has now found permanent residence in my craft room.
The front pocket
Let’s start with the clear pouch that holds 2 bottles of water- I used two travel bottles that came with our camper. (It had shampoo and conditioner) in them. and there is masking fluid. It keeps white spaces when using water color. you paint it on and then rub it off when dry. a glue stick and some binder clips.
Then there is my favorite mechanical pencil and a simple microfiber cloth for wiping off my paint brushes.
Then there are scraps of paper for testing projects and an artist card pack.
The Big Pocket
This is one of my favorite watercolor notebooks. It’s small and I love the spiral bound option so I Can fold it over for easier use.. I have really grown to enjoy Arteza’s Art supplies and there a bunch listed throughout this post. You can check out their website here and stay tuned to learn about more of their art supplies! You can check out more here
THESE are my absolute favorite water brushes also from Arteza. They come in 6 different brushes 3 round (small, medium, and large) and 3 flat brushes (Small , medium, and large). I lost one of the caps while we were camping 2 years ago! the velvet bag came with the Artsy palette coming up in a few pics
this pencil set was an Amazon find. I needed a cheaper set for traveling and I needed some new drawing pencils. this set was perfect.
This simple little travelers notebook was something I put together a few years ago. I had to re-work the band. and I took so over side sketch paper and water color paper and cut them down to fit the inserts. It is perfect for camping and traveling.
Somedays you just need a coloring book! and this one is small enough to just slide in amongst the other stuff in the bag and I can just grab it and the colored pencil pack and go sit at t a picnic table somewhere. and the little book to the left is just an insert for the travelers notebook above covered in scrapbook paper and it has some heavy duty mixed yardstick.
This little pack has a bunch of goodies in it. Hubby and I have matching ones. His is gray and mine is this lovely shade of purple
The top picture is what is held in the pockets on the left hand side.. The pack come with three pencil holder “Pages. the first one is stitched in but the second two can be put in with velcro. I only have an extra one in. in currently. the first one front and back hold my Arteza Woodless Watercolor pencils- they are my faves to date. they are so smooth and not scratchy like some. And they dissolve so well.
Page two
The second page has my PITT Pens (fine Liners and a Mechanical pencil with Red lead in it!!! I have recently started using red colored pencil to sketch in before I water color over it. It just kinda melts into the painting and adds depth to the artwork.
The big part of the pack has just a few little things.
This little cellphone looking device is actually a watercolor paint palette. I needed something small. Would you believe that there are 60 colors in it? I love just how pigmented these colors have and I love to play with them.
The top picture are 2 silicone muffin cups one for clean and one for dirty water, my kneadable gray eraser (AKA stress therapy) and a roll of WASHI tape .
These are super special paints!!! These are Derwent Graphitint watercolor paints. They have Graphite mixed into the hues- These amazing paints give wonderful earthy tones with a slight graphite luster. I have thoroughly enjoyed using them and I am currently saving upper the water soluble Graphitint colored pencils.
Finally these mini travel brushes can be corked and make for easy travel.
If I need to get smaller I can just grab the purple pack and the travelers notebook. and be good to go. These are made by Sakura Koi and come in round brushes in 3 sizes (small, medium, and large).
So are you ready to play>. Join me each Sunday and be ready to share what you are working on!! I can’t wait to hear what you are working on!!