Weekly Update – Week 4


Wowsers….I cannot believe that we are at our week 4 update! Day 30 to be exact! It’s the longest blogging streak I have ever had and even though I had a glitch with the blogI still wrote the posts and all I had do was copy and paste them into the post template!

Hello Fears Update

HA! I finally finished reading chapter 3. Things have slowed down quite a bit and I am finally settling into a routine. And I finally feeling like I am accomplishing something!

I will be sharing the journaling parts of this chapter and the rest that I accomplish on Friday this week so stay tuned.


I want tyou to remember that I have not yet reviewed this book and just because I am blogging my way through this book I have not yet recommended it. I will write my review when I am finished with the book!

If you are interested you can Check out Michelle Poler’s Youtube channel here

Family Update

We are well into the soccer season and we have already had two gamed Child #1 and Child #2 are having a lot of fun learning and improving their skills. We are also into our third week of homeschooling and the kids have done great! Even with some of the extra things we have going on. I have been growing leaps and bounds in so many areas and I got the results f my 1 month iron infusion results back. I’m normal…..WELL…….Nevermind! and hubby, well there are some amazing things happening for our family and we are excited to see where God is leading us.

Blogging Update

I am so excited to share some upcoming ideas with you tomorrow. I have had some aha moments this week specifically in church on Sunday. I am constantly amazed just how much God knows us! I shouldn’t be. But then moments happen like Sunday that leave me sitting staring at the pastor (a friend of ours for over 20 years) with my mouth hanging open. I know he didn’t know what has been on my mind. I mean I didn’t even tell my hubby- they have been just ideas swirling around in my head- I haven’t even uttered them in prayer yet. And wow- now I have answers. Stay tuned tomorrow for those details!

What have I learned by Choosing Courage

Perhaps the biggest thing I have learned this week is a mistake or maybe it’s better described as a trap I have fallen into. That trap was something that came to light on Sunday- but I am not talking about that tomorrow . I am going to share that part of Sunday right now.

When I took on this writing project I made a promise to you my readers and to myself that I was going to be Honest where I am at.

So let me be honest

This aha moments started a few weeks ago when I filled out a questionnaire for Pastor’s wives for a potential pastor position for hubby and one of the questions had to do with devotions and Bible study. Now I am a firm believer that you need to have both but sometimes we get confused… we let ourselves get lost in the process of Bible study……We almost have tunnel vision as we seek out the tiny details. It’s not like the Bible becoming a textbook per see- it’s like playing hide n seek with details. We need to study God’s word and we need to understand it and that is very helpful but it can become less personal.

Our pastor on Sunday reminded the congregation of the challenge he brought to them at the beginning of the year (we didn’t attend that church at the time. So we didn’t hear it. He challenged them to be immersed in as much God’s words possible. And I generally do that but something happened …actually a bunch of things happened…..

I Lost my Passion

I lost my passion because of damaging words…words that assumed they knew my heart….knew me. They assumed they could determine my motive because of what I wrote. Sadly as those words flew from their fingertips and their mouths I built a wall….around my heart. but it wasn’t the people…it was God’s word . Because That is where my passion came from. That is what motivated my writing. And when I stopped soaking in the word, my passion crumbled and my words now felt forced.

That list I have of blog post ideas- they were all born out of reading God’s word but as it sat on those planner pages the passion tricked out of them….and as I have tried to revisit them, I cannot pull back that passion out of them.

So what now?

So last night I talked to my friend who is the beginning of my prayer team and shared with her all the things. And so I know where these posts originated from- mostly the epistles- so everyday I am going to read some of them- immersing myself in God’s word again- fueling my passion. I did it last night before bed. I am reading James. Out of verses 3 blog posts were worked on. 1 already existed (on that post list) and 2 more new ones! And the excitement returned. AND there’s no fear.

Don’t wprry I am not giving up on my Bible study either My friend and I decided that I should focus on the study on the weekends. So Philippians will be in baby steps and let the immersion commence.

Thank you so much for doing me for the week 4 update of my Choosing Courage – 100 day writing project. If you want to check out the rest of the posts here

Happy Homemaker Monday


Wow It’s time for Happy Homemaker Monday again. I totally forgot to post it to the link last week. (oops). And today is day 29 of my Choosing Courage 100 day writing project. I cannot believe we have hit almost a 1/3 of the way through the project. I hope everyone has had a fabulous week!

Breakfast time….what is on the plate this morning::::

I pretty much had coffee for breakfast this morning-

  Looking around the house::::

Some basic chores need to be done. Hubby got a punch of the ditch dug around the front of the house so he can repair some of the foundation of the house. I have been able to catch on a bunch f chores around the house and I have morello go. But I am getting there.

On today’s to do list::::

  • Blogging everyday this week
  • I need to clean the top of our stairs where my sewing cabinet is
  • downsizing my clothes.
  • downsize and re-organize my craft room
  • deep clean kitchen

Currently reading::::

  • Hello Fears
  • Get Out of Your Head
  • My Bible
  • Hudson Taylor (biography with the kids for morning basket)
  • S.H.A.P.E.

On the TV this week::::

nothing really

The weather outside is::::

Mid 70’s. with a few days here and there in the 60’s Very normal for September in upstate NY

On the menu this week::::

Monday – Bbq Chicken, Potato Salad and Corn

Tuesday –   Hamburgs (on the grill) chills and baked beans

Wednesday –   Tater Tot casserole

Thursday –   Loaded Baked potatoes

Friday –  Meatball Subs

Saturday –  Pigs in a Blanket (cabbage rolls)

Sunday – Masjed Potato Sundaes

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::

Reading, Exercise, art

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::


One of my simple pleasures::::

Warm Apple Cider

Favorite photo from the camera::::

Praying for::::

♥♥  Lots of friends and family who either have COVID or knows someone who does. One person in particular is not doing so well but is making strides in the right direction
♥♥ Our Search Process ♥♥Friends and family who are struggling

Bible Verse, Devotional that is resonating with me at the moment:::: 

Hebrews 10:24 NLT

24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.

This verse hit me hard on Sunday during the message on Sunday. To find out why come back on Wednesday! When I’m going to be talking about the role this verse is playing here on my blog!

And for more Happy Homemaker Monday posts Check out Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

Thanks for joining me for My Choosing Courage 100 day writing project.. You can check out all the other posts by clicking here.

Realistic Expectations when It comes To Devotions


My Personal Struggles My Expectations in My Devotions

I am my own worst enemy when it comes to my devotions with Jesus.  I can place really high expectations on myself and when I feel like I cannot meet those expectations I give up.

This doesn’t make me happy. But that is the reality- there are seasons in life that  be met with the same type of expectations.  

This past December I came face to face with this.  After I had my procedure that left me in the worst pain I had ever experienced (even worse that all 4 pregnancies AND a gallbladder attack  COMBINED). I found myself  confined to the couch in  spare room downstairs.   I had all the time in the world. The kids weren’t allowed to really see me because we were keeping me quarantined so I could have surgery later on (That never happened- Long story). 

I couldn’t do anything. I was in such great pain and I had a bunch of pain meds  pumping through my veins so to stay awake for more than an hour at a time was nearly impossible.    And lets not talk about the ability to focus…..I am still fighting to regain some of that 10 months later.

The result

I began to feel guilty that I wasn’t doing enough.  My expectations  haunted me.   The funny thing is that during this time as I did the bare minimum I was growing leaps and bounds.  It was during this time that “what I  Know….” was born. (Y(ou can read that post here) But as I began to grow and make progress even in the middle of a fairly traumatic Christmas another set of voices and expectations started to impact my heart and mind. And guilt began to take root yet again.

Another set of expectations

I began hearing and seeing things about  how  horrible  it was to do devotions out of devotional books during this time. Some of the books I found great comfort in were the Books by Sarah Young- Jesus Calling, Jesus Always, and Jesus Today.   Now I wouldn’t  say that these are a great place to camp for regular devotions BUT sometimes in the middle of the hard times. These Books meet us simply where we are at. And for me I needed that.   

Making others feel Guilty

I cannot tell you the number of times I have said to someone this is a really great book it helped me through……only to get sneered at because it wasn’t “meaty enough”.  I am not saying that these books need to replace God’s word…nope, not for one minute.  We just need to understand where we are at and  that sometimes we need to let go of our expectations we  place on ourselves and we need to  ignore the expectations that others put on us and when we want to put our expectations on other people.

What we need to Remember

  We  need to remember its all about their devotion to God.  It’s not about how much  they do or even about how deep someone else goes.   It’s not my job to judge that.  I need to encourage their devotion to God- And no matter where we are at we should always strive to go deeper but that is a personal between me and God thing.    We shouldn’t stay satisfied with milk we need to eat meat.

When a Kid gets sick

I like to think about it like this….

When a little kid gets sick do you keep feeding them the same food when they were healthy. No you put them on the BRaT diet. (By the Way anyone one with a stomach bug should follow the BRAT diet). It’s simiilar foods that are gentler on the stomach It stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce Toast..

And we as Christians sometimes have moments when we are “sick”. Sick in the Body, sick in the heart, sick in the mind. And it is during those times that we need to go back to the simpler forms of devotion to Jesus.

I know that if during a specific season I need to step back and lower my expectations of myself then That is what I will do and that is completely ok….as long as I keep on being devoted…..dedicated to spending time with Jesus.   

So for the month of September I have taken a step back from what I was doing (an in-depth study of Philippians) and I snagged a less involved study book off my book shelf.   I just knew that with starting school and everyone adjusting to crazy new schedules that the in depth study was going to frustrate me and I would end up neglecting it- remember the goal is to stay devoted- To have that daily meeting with Jesus-  It’s ok to take a break and come back to it.  

There is a great sense of freedom when we release ourselves from the unrealistic expectations we place on ourselves.   

This is one of the greatest lesson I have learned over the last 8 years and I continue to keep learning it. God wants my devotion NOT by perfection. It has never been about my expectation or your expectations. It’s about a personal relationship with Jesus !

How about you…have you struggled with expectations when it comets your devotions? Share with me in the comments how you overcame this obstacles!

For more Choosing Courage posts click here

One Thousand Gifts -Joy Dare


Happy Thursday everyone! And welcome to another Joy Dare!  It’s been a great week.  we are well into our homeschooling year and have hit a rather nice rhythm already!

So let’s jump into this week’s Joy Dare

Day 3- 3 Gifts yellow

  1. My new JournalI started today
  2. My unicron  mug I am currently drinking our
  3. sunflowers

Day 4- A gift cool, warm, sun soaked

  1. Cool-a cool breeze
  2. warm- a beautiful day
  3. Sun-soaked- kids playing in the water and soccer

Day 5- 3 Gifts Autumn

  1. Pumpkins spiced EVERYTHING!
  2. colorful leaves
  3. boots and sweaters

Day 6- 3 gifts growing

  1. The kids
  2. Our family relationships
  3. a better understanding of who I was created to be

Day 7- 3 gifts given

  1. a party for us ( a real blessing to us)
  2. Appreciation (one of the greatest gifts ever)
  3. words of encouragement

Day 8- A gift made, masked,  marveled

  1. Made- The gingham star and heart made by my mother-in-law
  2. masked- A Chinese mask  given to Hubby  by his  grandpa
  3. marveled- rainbows

Day 9-  3 gifts framed

  1. Some framed artwork  Scripture purchased from a small shop
  2. Family memories
  3. A painting of Montana

I’m so glad you came by for the Joy Dare this week and I’m praying You all have a fabulous week full of gratitude and Joy!

And how about You what have you found joy in this week?

For more Joy Dare posts click here and for more Choosing Courage Posts click here.

To Check out The Joy Dare and One Thousand Gifts  by Ann Voskamp click here.

Sometimes We Need to Breathe- Day 24


Did you forget to Breathe today?

I know I did! The need to breathe is is so often taken for granted. Yes just the physical act of breathing is something we take for granted, until it becomes difficult. But that is not the type of breathing I am talking about.

Sometimes we need to step outside of the chaos- the crazy! Today I was thinking about it as I stood making dinner. I was frustrated that the whole day was “lost”.

Then the dog needed to go outside. Rosie will beat you to death if you don’t take her out pronto. I was annoyed. See the vet thinks Rosie has Cushings disease. We take her out A LOT. I think at that point I had taken her out 6 or 7 times.

The magic of Outside

I do a lot of breathing outside.. (LOL that just kinda sounded funny- I hope I do a lot of breathing in general). Actually when I feel really stressed I take the morning and spend some time outside doing my morning devotions and work-especially in the summer.

When I stepped outside and I took that big breath , I realized that I had forgotten to breathe. You know that deep cleansing breath that kinda melts the stress away. I know that not everyone feels less stress when they are outside. Some people “breathe” when they are crocheting, reading a book or gardening.

For me it is being outside but it is also creating. But sometimes I just plain forget.

Step away- if only for a few minutes

Here’s the thing. It’s about perspective. Even in the midst of craziness and chaos we can stop and breathe-even if it is for a few minutes. Here are a few of my go to “minutes” to breathe.

  • Stop to look at the sunset, sunrise, and flowers.
  • Go for a walk
  • take 5 minutes to do something I love. (painting, reading, crafting of any sort)
  • looking at the scenery behind out house
  • Just sit outside feeling the breeze on my face.
  • looking at the clouds

And that’s just to name a few!

Don’t confuse this with distraction!

I am queen of this struggle. This is something I battle with and through everyday. Some days are definitely worse than others. But sometimes I buy the lie that “breathing” is done while on my phone or watching TV. I sit down for lunch and begin to scroll through facebook. And when such is over I feel even more tired than when I started.

There are lots of ways we can distract ourselves. we can even distract ourselves with work. I can convince myself that tasks A, B, and C are more important than my time with Jesus. Or I can convince myself that scrolling on my phone is relaxing before I fall asleep. I can also convince myself that I am taking time to breathe by Reading just one more chapter even though I have to get up at 530 am. (yes there are two of those in a 24 hour time frame- if you know the joke-you know the joke lol)

Perspective and Choices

Perspective and choices are what really give us the chance to truly breathe and to appreciate and take notice of all the beauty surrounding us. We can choose our perspective on life and make choices to enjoy that perspective. We can choose to see and to breathe deeply.

How about you? How do you choose to Breathe deeply and regain perspective in the middle of chaotic times? I would love to hear your ideas in the comments

To Check out my other posts in my 100 day writing project (Choosing Courage ) click here.