Thoughts From the Heart.

I have mentioned a few times that I have been working on the Good Morning Girls Bible Study. It is my first time participating in an online Bible study and I have loved it for the most part and I look forward to the next one. It is hard to believe there is only two weeks left! It has flown by so very quickly…too quickly.

I have shared only a few things but this week, I thought I might share something that hit me. We will start at the beginning of the week with Monday’s verse:

Proverbs 31:30 – Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. (ESV)

The very first thing is the little phrase, “is to be praised”. Notice it’s not “will be praised”. King Lemuels mother is telling her son to praise God fearing women…particularly his wife, after that what she is teaching him to look for is a God fearing woman.

Then as the week progresses we hit the passage that challenged my heart…actually the very next day: Tuesday!

Continue reading “Thoughts From the Heart.”

My summer hiatus ends!

Hi guys, I know it has been a long while but life has been….shall we say hectic. That seems like the BIGGEST understatement but it is as good as I have got right now. We have completely moved everything here from the parsonage. I have unpacked boxes, hosted missionaries, pulled a couple of kids teeth, went away for a week to PA, and ya know what if I kept going you would get bored really fast!

One of the biggest things that has been taking my time is a readjusting of priorities! I joined an online bible study called Good Morning Girls; this study is based out of Proverbs 31. I started this study back in May when we were in Michigan and I have just started week 10! This study has truly changed me! The last two weeks have been two of the hardest in my life. I know harder days could come but through it all I have stayed consistent and not neglected God’s Word when I SHOULD BE DOING other things. There is always something more to be done but every morning I need to check my heart and motives! Oh and another thing……my distraction level has been way down. I have ADOS (Attention Deficit Ohhhh Shiny). No seriously it has been a struggle since I was a kid and I am, with God’s help, accomplishing some great things!

So what is the plan for the rest of the summer? To keep going! I had my doubts as to how all this would work out with all of the kids at home (lets just say it didn’t work out like I planned on paper!) but I think it is actually going better. I want to do a couple of things here on the blog before the summer is out. I want to host my first giveaway! I want to post my first video tutorial! Do some housekeeping! AND show you our new house via a couple of videos! I am excited about some new things rolling around in my head! So have a blessed day!

Good Morning Girls Goals

Well yesterday’s assignment for the Good Morning Girls Bible Study was to write out our goals for our study. So I decided to share mine with you here.

  • Become more consistent in my daily walk with God.
  • Become more intentional with my husband and kids.
  • Become more purposeful in everything I say and do.

That’s it…a simple yet very powerful assignment!

Enjoy your day!

Good Morning Girls

Who knew…..yes who?

Lol would you like to know what I am talking about?

Of couse you do…or you wouldn’t still be here. Who knew you could get SO much out of two verses…yes two!

Ok so let me explain…I have been rethinking some things…basically a personal re-evaluation. We all need to do this from time to time! It’s very important. And in doing this I thought about what I do what I watch…all of that “stuff”

I asked myself “What are my worst time thieves” and “what are they keeping me from accomplishing?”

Definitely very hard questions to ask oneself! And these things (let’s be brutally  honest with ourselves) are usually very entertaining! However they are not very rewarding and you have nothing to show for it when it’s all said and done!

So I picked three things that were non-negotiable. These are things that are beneficial and help me to grow!

So the first two were easy…..

1. Blogging/social networking (but no games)

2. Crafting… scrabooking and so on!

But none of the others I could rightly justify!

I wanted to be a part of a Bible study BUT not one I was leading! And I stumbled upon a few sites that intrigued me! One does an online Bible study every so often. They offer the book for free printing and the study guide for free printing. You register a group and the cool thing for people like me who didn’t have a group I was able to find one by using the message boards on the site and now we e-mail every day! That’s what I call accountability!

So I am into day two of this new experience and I have gotten so much out of four verses! That is only two a day!

So I encourage you to hop on over to Good Morning Girls and check it out! It’s AMAZING!