Our Marriage

How long did you date? 1 year and 2 1/2 months. We knew each other longer than that though. We were best friends first.

How old are you? I am 28 and He is 27

Who eats more? He does..But he has a more Physically demanding job…lol…so there fore he needs way more calories…(Side not my job is all mental..and that’s why i am a nut case!)

Who said “I love you” first? He did!

Who is taller? We are the same

Who sings better? Hubby Hands down!

Who is smarter? Again Hubby! He is the one who took 30 credits his first semester of his senior year and got a 4.o..Did I mention we were engaged…and he worked 12 am to 4 am on security at the school..Oh yeah and he was an RA!!

Whose temper is worse? Mine..though he’s the red head

Who does the laundry? I do, though he has done it before

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Hubby

Who pays the bills? Hubby

Who cooks dinner? I do..for the most part…although he is always willing to help out…we actually enjoy cooking together

Who drives when you are together? the obvious hubby. No one in their right mind would give me a license..Except for that time in PA but that’s another blog post!

Who is more stubborn? Tie

Who kissed who first? It was mutual..It was our wedding day!

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? It’s about equal

Whose parents do you see the most? His mostly b/c they live 2 minutes from us

Who proposed? He did

Who is more sensitive? I am….but I didn’t used to be…and then I met hubby..and THEN I had kids…now I am a basket case..No not really!

Who has more friends? I do but honestly they are pretty mutual.

Who has more siblings? I have 2 younger brothers…he has one younger brother. However my parents were foster parents so I had one one time or another 4 non-related siblings

Who wears the pants in the family? I respect and submit to my husband. We talk about our problems, needs, wants, and fears. I know I can go to him with a problem and I also know that he will make the best decision for us. (I took Ruth’s answer because she said it so eloquently)

By the way I took this from Ruth’s Blog Life’s Journeys…We went to college together.

I think I need to clrify!

Due to some email comments I received concerning my post the Y-factor
Let me clarify a few things. The kind of “Whys” I was referring to are not ones of rebellion or questioning authority but of why or how things work. The kind of Why that sparks a person to rip a part a toaster to figure our why a toaster works…or better yet How it works.

I was originally going to post some of the comments I received via email but decided those who responded via email wanted to stay anonymous for a reason. So as I clarify this I wish i could say that it is a toddler type curiosity but I know all too well that there are adults and teenagers who have this same type of drive to figure out how the world works. Matter of fact i live with an adult version of this.

I hope my kids always have that kind of curiosity. That is what keeps us learning throughout life. I love to learn and so does my husband. I hope that is something that we will always be able to instill in our kids. Once we believe we have arrived then life becomes boring.

One last note to those of you who think Tornado was questioning authority I guess a lot gets lost in the written world. you can tell a lot about a child’s intentions by the tome in which they speak. Tornado was trying to understand circumstances and not be rebellious. though we do have those moments as well. We correct him for those moments and move on.

We will all have rebellious moments after all we are all sinners. Our goal is to have fewer and fewer rebellious moments as they get older. I hope that explains a little firther of what I am thinking. Please feel free to comment here or via email .

The Y-Factor

Little boys-I have two. An adorable three year old and an adorable almost 8 month old. What an incredible joy they both are but yet they are so very very different from their also adorable almost 2 year old sister. Between Tornado and Vug there are so many differences as well. Too many to mention as a matter of fact. However there are some very distinct similarities very unique to them, and not their sister. The foremost being that they both adored trying to rip and tear my facial features from my head. Ears, eyes, and nose but mostly hair. They all have been attempted to be removed. Luckily minus a few hairs on my head all are still in place! They are just more aggressive.

However just recently we have started a new y-factor in our family….the dreaded why-factor. maybe I am just sheltered, maybe some else has a different experience but I have only experienced this with boys. My brother-Air Force Man, my youth leader from when I was in high school, my hubby was also like this as a kid and now Tornado. They all have had this burning, ever present “Why?” exuding from their very being. Every once in a while I can see the question come across hubby’s face though he may not verbalize it.

Maybe you’ve experienced this..It goes something like this:

Mommy Can I have this? No it’;s chocolate. Why? Because you are allergic to chocolate. Why? because your body doesn’t like it and it makes you have yucky diapers. Why? Because that is what God decided. Why? I don’t know why.

It’s frustrating, very frustrating. Then there is the scientific questions. Like this discussion after I was finished picking berries from our bushes outside.

Me have more berries? No you can’t. Why? They aren’t ripe yet. Why? Because they haven’t been in the sun long enough yet. Why? because they are younger than all of their other brother and sister berries. Why? Because their flowers took longer to fall off. Why? I have no Idea why!

Again so very frustrating and sometimes I get this incredible urge to just say


So do you think that the Y chromosome that makes a boy a boy is linked the why-factor that a lot of boys seem to be intrigued with?

There’s Nothing Quite Like It!

I guess I never really noticed it before but isn’t it just so great when toddlers start giving you Real hugs!

I mean the real squeeze tight kind of hugs , not just when they lay their head on your shoulder when you ask for a hug.

Tornado has been giving real hugs for some time but Lady bug has just started. And can i say there is just such a huge difference between the two. Tornado feels like a bear hug! Which is great in and of itself but Lady bug ,hers is so gentle and nurturing. One of my favorites times she gives me a hug is when I am standing at the kitchen sink and she comes up and slips her arms around one of my legs and lingers there for a while. There is nothing quite like the hug for a child to grip your heart in so many ways it sends your head whirling with memories whether of your own childhood or the earlier childhood memories of your own children!

Keep ’em coming guys!