About my hubby!

This is hubby and I at the Jamestown Settlement In Virginia. We went so many places on our three week honeymoon. Most of which had to do with history which we both love. He planned the whole thing and I had no idea where we were going until after we left from the church

However this is where I found myself one week before the honeymoon ended!
Would this be a foreshadowing of what married life would be like?
Actually it was.
We enjoy doing crazy fun things together and that means sometimes getting pictures like this taken!

1. Who is your man? Happy Hubby…many of you know his real name and some of you don’t really need to know his real name 🙂

2. How long have you been together? Seven years total..5years Married!

3. How long dated? 2 years

4. How old is your man? 27

5. Who eats more? He does, except for when I’m pregnant. Then we both gain weight!

6. Who said “I love you” first? He did….after he drove to PA to ask my parents if he could court me! Then a prof at college gave away the surprise and we went off campus to talk. We had discussed not telling each other that until he could ask my parents permission and he asked me to court him. So we sat down just off campus over looking the sewer-hannah river(it’s a long story) We sat down on a hill and he slipped his arm around my shoulders. By this point I knew what was coming . He told me that he loved me and asked my to court him with the intention to marry the following year in may..It was February 26th….I said yes!

7. Who is taller? he’s about one inch taller that me

8. Who sings better? He does. He has had more music training that I have. He has played the violin and trumpet for years!

10. Whose temper is worse? Well he is the red head but I am the woman..So i would say that we are tied!

11. Who does the laundry? I do unless I am sick or just had a baby or am away!

12. Who takes out the garbage? He usually does…but I share the responsibility!

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? he does

14. Who pays the bills? He does

15. Who is better with the computer? Me

16. Who mows the lawn? He does

17. Who cooks dinner? I do

18. Who drives when you are together? He does. It would be slightly illegal for me to drive anywhere. A) because I don’t have a license and B) because i am visually impaired.

19. Who pays when you go out? He does! unless he forgets his wallet!

20. Who is most stubborn? I think we are both stubborn. we are both first born and both very driven to achieve what we strive for. We have just learned to work things out!

21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? It’s equal….it depends on what is happening!

22. Whose parents do you see the most? His. They live 2 minutes away whereas mine are four hours away

23. Who kissed who first? It was mutual….It was our wedding day ceremony….yep not one smooch until then!

24. Who asked who out? He did…

25. Who proposed? He did

26. Who is the most sensitive? I am…but since we have had kids he has gotten much more so

27. Who has more friends? I think I do…but I don’t get to see or talk to many of them very often

28. Who has more siblings? I do. I have two brothers and he has one brother!

29. Who wears the pants in the family? He does.

30. How did you meet? At church. though we did go to the same small college (250 people) and knew of each other we really met through church where we both worked in AWANA! We traveled to an AWANA event together the year before. I was at the end of a relationship with someone else and I was never going to date again.

That was a lot of fun! Go ahead and try it out. Let me know so I can read your answers.

3 Year Old Olympic hopeful In Training

Tornado came running in to our room going

“Mommy mommy watch me go swimming!”

So i followed him to his room where he showed me this….

When I asked him at the end where he learned to do that he looked at me with those big blue eyes and said …

“The olymsicis”

He has loved watching the Olympics with us! I guess he loved it more than I realized. You can’t see it in the picture but the toddler bed is up on top of two mattresses and a box spring and he is jumping onto another mattress and box spring! Oh and he put the toddler bed up there!

She turns TWO!!

Lady Bug turns two today…And bot looking back has she changed. She is such a beautiful little girl!!With Captivating eye s and an electric smile. What a joy she is. Here are a few pictures to mark today’s events!

This is Lady Bug a few days after she was born

And this is her today..with her birthday presents..not the dolls or the back pack but the stroller and high chair…

This was her dinner..She didn’t have cake for dinner ..Ok so maybe in a way she did!. Her favorite is pancakes. So i made chocolate chip pancakes with cool whip and blueberry syrup and sprinkles.

She loved it!!!

She wasn’t quite sure what t make of the candles though

She tried and tried to blow them out but it just didn’t work!
So someone had to help after the 5th or 6th try!!
And this is the aftermath…by the way that is tapioca pudding!!
She didn’t want her picture taken so she closed her eyes thinking..if I can’t see you you surely can’t see me!!

We will have Birthday cupcakes when our friends come up for a visit this weekend. their daughter turns one in a week!

Cute LittleToes

I am so very thankful that God saw fit to give me a daughter!Today we had a special first mommy and daughter time. I painted her toenails and she loved every minute of it! She is a girl from the word go. She has a much gentler, quieter spirit than her older AND younger brother. She is so sweet.

So here she is In her night gown all ready for bed and those precious little toes!

So I took a picture of her toes before she went to bed but accidentally deleted them from my camera So I had to sneak into her room twice to get a good shot of those little piggies while she was asleep. The first time it was too blurry and the second time i got this shot!

What a sweetie!


After a long time of desiring to make an updated portrait. I came to the conclusion that I/we didn’t have the time for such craziness! So today i took a much needed break in between organizing and de-cluttering Vug’s room to Make this Nifty slide show that now replaces our very outdated family photo! It took a couple of hours..spread over even more hours. I figured out a computer program and a free online creation tool to come up with what I now have. I had a whole lot of fun doing this and I hope you enjoy!!!