A saying to adjust the thinking!

No one is in charge of your happiness except you. That’s right and i have to admit that I have been letting my circumstances and the lack of thought..or at least what I think people should think of get to me. That used to be my motto but over the last few months and even years I have lost dight of my motto. Yes I am tired and yes I am bored in my stage of life bu tin the same respect I have been called to it and it is my responsibility to make the best of it. The motto is right I do need to control my moods and temper. Emotions are my responsibility too.. I have just forgotten how! As Christians we give pat answers..do devotions..pray.. spend time with the Lord..All that being said and DONE what is the next step in remembering how?

About to Scream!

Have you ever had one of “those days”? I have been having one of those days for the last two weeks and I am about to go batty! At last all three kids are down for a nap..yes at the same time! It started two weeks ago when I had the “vug” as Tornado refers to him. (If yoou are curious about that name go to your local library and get out “there’s a Wocket in my Pocket” by Dr. Suess, then maybe you’ll understand. We try to come up with a cute nickname for each kid to use on my blog. Tornado came up with this one. Ok so back to my frustration. I had the baby two weeks ago yesterday and that was torture enough. So I am recovering from that. Then one week after he was born I got Gastrointeritis (Sp?) and had to go to the ER to be re hydrated, So I am recovering from that. Then this last Monday (two days ago) I over did it in cleaning up some stuff and paid for it in the middle of the night….there is no need to rehash the gruesome details..So hubby gave me strict orders to do nothing..and he meant it for the next few days. I woke up Tuesday morning with this “burning desire to Pee. Yep you guessed it a bladder infection. Now I feel as though my world is falling down around me . With three kids and a dog the house is a disaster, I am chugging cranberry juice much to my dismay, and I can’t take any antibiotics or so I have been told because I am nursing the baby! Hubby put a chair in the dining room so i cold sit comfortably to nurse and keep the two toddlers gated in, but today while I was going to the bathroom tornado climbed the chair and got down a fall wreath decoration I had made last year…Needless to say the dog got a hold of it and it is in 5 pieces. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I am over it now. Thanks for being patient in my rantings!

Food Groups by colors

My mother in law sent this to me… It fits me to a T…. Yesterday I went to the doctor for my yearly physical. My blood pressure was high, my cholesterol was high, I’d gained some weight, and I didn’t feel so hot. My doctor said eating right doesn’t have to be complicated and it would solve my physical problems. He said just think in colors. At each meal fill your plate with bright colors; greens, yellows, reds, etc. So . . . I went right home and ate an entire bowl of M&M’s and sure enough, I felt better immediately. I never knew eating right could be so easy. Tomorrow I plan to feel twice as good. ~~ Dr Bob Griffin, www.grif.net 1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given Thanks BOB ! I will try it for dinner.

A startling noise,

If you are looking for the Wordles Wednesday post scroll down to the next post! have you ever been so sound asleep and been startled awake but such a loud noise from either in your house or outside of your house that you are not sure what exactly you just heard! That is exactly what happened to hubby and i last night. It was so loud and clear that both of us sat strait up when it happened and it sounded exactly like a train crash. We have a train only about 1/4 of a mile away and it’s a freight train. Now I have never heard what a train crash sounds like but it is exactly what i think one would sound like. Thankfully it was not a train wreck, it was however thunder. It even had a trailing sound that sounded like train car hitting the next. that being said we hear lots of loud noises from the train on a regular basis. Some of the train cars get filled with gravel at a near by quarry and that makes quite a boom sounding similar to thunder! Now needless to say my husband fell right back to sleep i however could not because of being in the house when It was hit by lightning about 2 1/2 months ago! But take a look around and let me know what you think of the changes! I am still not satisfied with it What i really need is HTML for Dummies! HAPPY MAMA