A Stack Of Tupperware, Hairspray, A Bunch Of Nickels , One Bum Knee and Our First Ear Infection

So you may be asking what all of these things have in common? Well I’ll tell you. It has all been a part of one of the most interesting days i have had! Ever!!

Let’s start at the very beginning because it is a very good place to start!

1. The Stack of tupperware- this morning, like any other morning I gt up and got hubby off to work just fine! Then I went back to bed! I have been tired because of attempting to stay up late and get up early. So when i got up the second time i fixed the kiddos breakfast and started to put the dishes away! I had a small stack of tupperware stuff that I was collecting to put away all at once. wouldn’t you know I knocked that silly stack over 5 or 6 times in a matter of ten minutes! I should have known then that it was going to be one of those days!

2. Hairspray- On Fridays hubby the kids and myself go out for the evening. well I normally try to make myself more presentable and as I reached into the medicine cabinet for body spray i grabbed the hairspray. Spayed in on my shirt and wondered why it didn’t smell like the blackberry vanilla I love so much. Yet it smelled so familiar. it took me about a minute to realize what i had done and correct the issue!

3. A bunch of nickels– So then on the way to the big city (LOL) I was refilling the change dispensers we have in the truck. I was filling the nickels section when hubby warned me to not fill it too full. Did I listen..not a bit. I was hearing a peculiar noise and I thought it was jammed so i kept pressing the nickels a little harder when all of a sudden the bottom of the nickels section broke through shooting hubby with the spring from inside the nickel section…not exactly one of my brighter moments!

4. A bum Knee- So many of you know I have been struggling with a horrendous knee injury that won’t seem to heal. Standing aggravates it. Walking aggravates it even more and sitting well sitting wants to make me amputate it myself with a butter knife..and that’s exactly how I felt when we got home from our night out…..So you can imagine how i felt when my head hit the pillow and all i could hear was crying and whining because….

5. Tornado got his first ear infection……matter of fact two one in each ear!-So you guessed it that leads me to what i am doing right now at the awful hour. After medicating…using a warn Cherry pit bag and a hair dryer I finally have him bedded down relaxing watching a video. I have wrapped my knee so tight that i feel as though the blood is leaving my leg but it feels supported and the throbbing is lessening. tomorrow morning I will make Tornado a Doctors appointment and all will be well…..

Oh yeah did I mention Hubby and Lady bug are sick too. oh what a weekend this will be!

Sweet Dreams All!

Before He Speaks!!!

Thanks so much Diana for sharing and I too am so thankful that I do not have a husband/ pastor like these man…It’s sad but very funny that this parody was made…I am also thankful that i HAVE NEVER sat under a pastor like that or I would have NEVER EVER wanted to be a pastor’s wife…Those of you who know my call into ministry knew it was hard enough for God to convince me into it as it was!!!

I’m Frustrated!

To say the Least.

This is going to sound a little whiny but here it goes anyway. I have been trying to ride my bike 2 to 3 miles 3 to 5 times a week. Last week i got sick and could barely breathe. This week i have been getting back into it and am feeling great despite the fact I think I have royally killed my knee!!! So anyway It was time to add some strength training to this exercise routine. i decided a while ago that low impact was a good idea since having three kids has not been nice to my joints…mot to mention I still have small bouts of fibromyalgia..Also I wanted something that I could continue with when and if I ever get pregnant with our fourth and last child!So I decided to go with THE FIRM Ypga and Pilates work out (They came in the same box.. I have both DVDs and the mat along with the brick and the Pilates band but I am missing the Yoga belt strap thingy. the kids had it Hubby took it away from them handed it to me and I said that I would put it in a safe place so they couldn’t find it…HAHAHA. they can’t find it and neither can I!! So If you see it laying around my blog somewhere pick it up and send it through my cyberspace to my email
Thanks a bunch!

Oh and here is a photo in case you have no idea what you are looking for.

Keeping Up!

It’s amazing how hard it can be to keep up on things around the house. I am a Stay at Home mom and before that a Stay at Home Wife. You would think that with all i have been doing around our house it would look a little better…That couldn’t be further from the truth. I work all day around the house and by the end of the day I am frustrated because I feel as though I have absolutely nothing to show for it. It’s frustrating . Hopefully by the end of the week there will be a considerable change though. After all sometimes it has to get worse before it gets better Right?