I’ve been Thinking!

Yes it does happen every so often. What I have been thinking about is something I was taught in my Christian Life class in college. It has been a convicting thought, that I think has finally made it through. My Professor said, “How your dorm room looks reflects your Christian life” now as a know it all Christian, I balked at such a comment but now as I am living my life as an adult woman, married and a mommy to three. I have began to see the light of at least part of this. We are called in Scripture to focused and driven for the high prize. Philippians 4. the question I have to ask myself is can i do that whith my house a complete disaster. Now I am not so Naive as to say that this works for everyone. And there certainly is no where that I am saying that in any way shape or form is applying to unbelievers. Matter of fact there are even those believers who masquerade behind a spotless house but have little to no relationship with Christ. I can’t downright say i think this applies to every Christian either. My point is though that if you search down deep can you say that you are honoring God In ALL that you do! If your house is clean and organized you are because in Titus 2 is says that woman are to be homemakers. I am going out on a huge limb but. If you can’t take of your home you are probably distracted by other things. That may be work, or hobbies or something else. For me over the years it has been Work, the computer, Tv, reading, Sleep, Scrapbooking and cooking! All of which can be great things if they don’t rule your life. I am sure I will get some not so nice comments on this one. I understand that we live in a world of debt and the “NEED” for women to work. I guess what I a truely talking about is Priorities. What are your priorities? What is your purpose in life? If your are a Christian you need to look to the Bible for the answer. I have some suggested reading for you. It is 1 Thessalonians 5, titus 2, Proverbs 31. If you get through those and need more tackle 1 and 2 timothy and the the book of James. After that ask and I’ll give you more instructions. If you are not a Christian the first thing you need to do is realize there is a god above All. Then you need to accept Christ as your Savior. As humans you can serve lots of things but none of them will bring you the joy as serving Christ! Humans were created for one sole purpose and that was to serve and praise god and until you do that. Everything else is fruitless! Wwow i never intend3ed to head in that direction!

Pray for them!

I just received this email and it is the real thing. I am on the Chapman’s email list and read their blog often! This is not fake and it is not a joke. This email was sent by the Chapman manager so please please please pray for them! Maria Sue Chapman 2003 – 2008 Photo by Mary Beth Chapman Last night Maria Sue Chapman, adopted and youngest daughter of Mary Beth & Steven Curtis Chapman, was killed in a tragic accident in the family driveway. She was LifeFlighted to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital but for only reasons God can explain she went home to Him… not back to Franklin as we all so desperately wanted. We are all humbled by the incredible outpouring of love and support at this difficult time. I have watched you, the Chapman friends, overwhelm website servers and jam phone lines with your gracious words and heartfelt prayers. The Chapman family is so grateful. Obviously, we cherish your prayers for all in the Chapman family, and we welcome you passing this along to others to pray and encouraging them to sign up for Steven’s e-mail list to receive continuing updates. * If you’d like to express your condolences and get a glimpse of this beautiful little girl through a short video clip, click here. * Mail to PO Box 150156 Nashville, TN 37215. * In lieu of flowers, the Chapman’s request any gifts be directed to Shaohannah’s Hope, click here. In closing, as many of you know, the song “Cinderella” was written by Steven to help him (and us all) grab a hold of the special moments with those we love we might otherwise rush by. It was inspired by a bath time that Steven tried to “hurry,” Maria and her sister Stevey Joy were not exactly cooperating. : ) Let us all be reminded again today what Steven compels us to with the lyric of this special song. Maria, we already miss you so much, and we only take comfort in The Hope that assures us we’ll see you again soon. On behalf of the Chapman team and family, Jim Houser (Manager)\ Here are the lyrics for the whole Cinderella song By SCC She spins and she sways To whatever song plays Without a care in the world And I’m sitting here wearing The weight of the world on my shoulders It’s been a long day And there’s still work to do She’s pulling at me Saying “Dad, I need you There’s a ball at the castle And I’ve been invited And I need to practice my dancing Oh, please, Daddy, please?” So I will dance with Cinderella While she is here in my arms ‘Cause I know something the prince never knew Oh, I will dance with Cinderella I don’t want to miss even one song ‘Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight And she’ll be gone… She says he’s a nice guy and I’d be impressed She wants to know if I approve of the dress She says, “Dad, the prom is just one week away And I need to practice my dancing Oh, please, Daddy, please?” So I will dance with Cinderella While she is here in my arms ‘Cause I know something the prince never knew Oh, I will dance with Cinderella I don’t want to miss even one song ‘Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight And she’ll be gone She will be gone Well, she came home today with a ring on her hand Just glowing and telling us all they had planned She says, “Dad, the wedding’s still six months away But I need to practice my dancing Oh, please, Daddy, please?” So I will dance with Cinderella While she is here in my arms ‘Cause I know something the prince never knew Oh, I will dance with Cinderella I don’t want to miss even one song ‘Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight And she’ll be gone

Convicted AGAIN!!

“Where the heart is willing, it will find a thousand ways. Where it is unwilling, it will find a thousand excuses.” Arlen Price Enough Said! Coming SOON….. Post from Illinois! Post about a young person in current events..Stay tuned for further informaion.


Mediocrity – what is it..I really think that it is doing things half heartedly. I am guilty as charged! Yep i have not been taking life so seriously..I have been so self centered. Well this morning at 4 am little VUG woke up desiring to be fed..he has been sleeping through the night for the last few weeks so I was a little stunned but I pulled myself out of bed. I made him a bottle and got him from his cradle. He ate enthusiastically and I pulled a new book from my nightstand.. The Christian Mom’s idea book It is fantastic! I read the first section where it gives an acrostic for the word motherhood based from Proverbs 31. It was so convicting yet very inspiring. The author certainly has a way with words. Here’s the acrostic: Merciful Observant Trustworthy Helpful Energetic Reverant towards God Honored Orator of wisdom Of Noble Character Dignified One of the many inspiring comments made by the author is this:

“Think about it. God wasn’t sending Jesus to be born and raised by an experienced mother. Mary had no experience. God sent His only Son into arms that were young and fragile. But Mary had something else, something that was highly valued by God. Mary had reverence-severance that produced obedience.”

The second section of this book is all on different topics. This section of the book gives lots of ideas about everyday living as a wife and mother..all to help you become the wife and mom God wants you to be! So the question is where can I get this book..Hop on over to Crossway books and get your own copy and enjoy! Click the picture of the book below and it will send you to Crossway’s website and to the book itself..

Christian Mom's Idea Book (Revised Edition)


Convictions are an amazing thing about life. The Holy Spirit works in your life and if you are obedient you actually heed what you are being convicted about. That was me three weeks ago. I was convicted about a poor attitude. A poor attitude about pretty much everything had seeped into my life and I became bitter. Over the last few months I have lost sight of the reason I developed my blogs and they became a venue for complaining about everything. That is when I decided I needed to put aside these blogs until I could get a handle on this.
My original plan and it worked for quite some time was to bring a Christian moms perspective to the things going on in the world around me. This may include politics, entertainment, funny things my kids say and or do and so forth. My goal is to be uplifting not one that tears down my house as Proverbs puts it about the foolish man. I want to be a challenge to those who read my blog and my website..something I have not worked on for a very long time.
So that being said, I am back but things will be a little different around here. I will do my absolute best to not be contentious, bitter, anger,malicious, wrathful thing and think on things that are pure right and good because that is what i am called to do. I am called to build up and edify those around me.
It was not long ago that i read a blog post that gave instructions about blogging. they said that goal should not be to “write” but you know what that is how I communicate. I like to write. I like to communicate with my writing. My husband thinks I am pretty good at it too. So why worry about what other people think blogging should be. I can make my blog what i want my blog to be….that’s the whole point right? So that being said..here we go…….