Discipline Done Biblically!

Once again we have been asked about our discipline of our children. Luckily after mentally working through the issues with our friends I have a much better response to what churches want to know.
So here it is

Our view on discipline is not something we take lightly. We have spent so much time praying and reading Scripture on the subject and at first glance it can be a discouraging moment to a parent to not see discipline discussed in the Bible at Great length…Spare the rod, spoil the child and train up the child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it is not enough detail to tell you HOW to discipline each child
However after much prayer and searching God’s word one thing has become evident to us….God may not have “spoken” a whole lot about discipline but he surely exemplified it in so many ways.

As of late we have taken some extra time to focus on what God’s word teaches about discipline and developed what we believe to be a God honoring perspective on discipline!

Here is what we have learned and how we have implemented it!
1. W strive to train our children in areas of importance…Manners, Obedience, respect, stewardship, attitude and so much more (here are a FEW house rules for example.
~no rude behavior at the dinner table..Or anywhere for that matter
~House rules need to be followed at ALL times
~No talking back to anyone giving orders and taking care of you.
~Stewardship…if you can’t take care of your toys you loose them and they will not be replaced if broken on purpose or out of anger(we take them away for a period of time)
~No one wants to here grumpy whiny children so they are sent to their rooms until they can handle themselves in an acceptable way
2. We use many different means of implementing discipline. God did this in the Bible from making people sick to exiling a whole nation to wiping out entire people groups or just choosing not to discipline.
A few examples:
~God made people sick for disobeying and worshipping idols while Moses was receiving the tablets containing the 10 commandments (we will not make our children Physically sick but they may feel sick when they have to miss something they cared deeply about)
~Both Israel and Judah were warned repeatedly to obey and to follow the Law God had set before them. They both refused and were exiled. (Though we will not exile our children from our home they will be excluded from certain activities if they choose to continually disobey and disregard the rules we have set forth in our home)
~The Assyrians were completely wiped off the face of the planet. (No we will not kill our children….my point is to show God uses different discipline at different times)
~there are also two points in Scripture where both God and Jesus choose not to discipline…one would be Rehab when she chose to lie to her government officials when the spies came into her country. She harbored them in her home and helped them to escape. To which she was blessed both by being saved when her country was attacked by the Israelites and then by being put into the line of Jesus though she was a foreigner according to the law. The second point where discipline was nothing but a strong command to a woman who was adulterous and brought before Jesus to be stoned was commanded to just “Go and sin no more”
That being said the punishment should also fit the child. Each child responds differently to different punishments…Just talk to our daughter in a stern tone and it’s the worst punishment in the world for her.
3. We believe that the punishment should fit the crime….Where Rehab was not held to the same standards due to ignorance a child needs to be trained and taught. However Ananias and Saphira were immediately killed when they lied to Peter. Corporal punishment should be used in serious situations.
4. We will not provoke our children to wrath. We do our best to not discipline our children in Public. They know they will be disciplined for misbehavior when we get home! Discipline is a private matter unless they have hurt someone else to which they will apologize and will do some sort of service to show their repentance to that person.
5. We don’t seek to control our child’s every move. Just as believers we are given free will. Children need to learn that there are consequences for their sin and disobedience. We have choices to make everyday. Attitudes, words spoken, and activities done-these are all choices we make on a day to day basis and no one ALWAYS gets them right. Without learning these things children become robots and have no foundational reasons for doing these things. It sets them up for strong rebellion later in life!
6. And finally the biggest one ever. Love and grace reigns over all. Let’s remember that we are all guilty by God’s standards, just as our children are yet God saw fit to send His only Son to take on the ultimate punishment. Death and eternal separation from God. The worst punishment ever thought up. So sometimes when our children understand that they have done wrong and they ask for forgiveness. We will just wrap our arms around them and whisper I forgive you just as Christ did to each one of us the day that we accepted Him as our Lord and Savior and he forgave us of ALL our sins.

Ultimately we are accountable to Christ for the discipline we choose for our children but we strive to discipline our children with the same love and grace that God bestowed upon us. We are to be good stewards of what God has given to us in all areas and that includes our children


Do Those of you I know from college remember the book called
Encountering the Old Testament. Dr S had us read it for both Pentateuch and Former Prophets class…This is what it looked like.

And to those of you who don’t know it should get it!

Well I have been working through the book again. I have continually been finding myself with the need to be challenged. Challenged beyond daily devotions. And let me tell you it’s amazing of just how much you can forget in 5 Years since college!

So to those who read this and are really looking to give themselves a challenge. I got a five subject notebook and sat down with the book and started taking notes and doing all the vocabulary…even the ones I already know…and all the questions (Dr S. only made us do some of them) and I am challenging myself a ton. Now I have just finished chapter 2…and am looking forward to the challenge of coming weeks.

For those of you who have used the book….have you revisited some of your old textbooks from college? It’s amazing how much the material means now. It has gained new importance to me now than it did back in college.

Hubby keeps telling me I need to start reading books in his library…most of which are so over my head I can’t even understand the acknowledgments…just kidding, but this one is great…simplistic yet so chock full of Bible knowledge I learn something new all the time!



Just Something a little more thought provoking..ytou know how I like these little snippets!

I am habit
by John Di Lemme

I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper
or your heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag
you down to failure. I am completely at your command.

Half the things you do, you might just as well turn over
to me, and I will do them automatically. I am easliy
managed; you must merely be firm with me. Show me exactly
how you want something done, and I will do it quickly and
correctly. I am the servant of all great men and women,
and all failures as well.

Those who are great, I have made great. Those who are
failures, I have made failures. I am not a machine, though
I work with all the precision of a machine, plus the intel-
ligence of a human being. You may run me for profit or run
me for ruin, it makes no difference to me.

Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the
world at your feet. Be easy with me and I will destroy you.

Who am I?

I am Habit.

GOMING SOON: Godless Series

And boy do I need your help with this one. Some of the best authors and speakers get help with illustrations and research. Now I am not saying I am great by any means but I have only lived my life. We all have different experiences and so on. So here is what i need from you:

I need illustrations of a Godless Nation first.

There will be numerous parts to this. Some of them being society, world, home and church with maybe one or two more. As believer’s how have you seen our Nation become more godless? What parts of being a godless nation has impacted you most? This one will be more closely tied to government. The next will be society. There is a huge difference between the two. Our nation as a whole reflects the decisions our government makes on our behalf…whether we like it or not. Society on the other hand is peer pressure of sorts. What we deal with from the people around us. At school, work and play….NOTE : do not include church in this one. Church has it’s own unique community if you will so we will address that in a later post!

Thanks for all of your input ahead of time! This is a collaborative effort and I will give credit where credit is due! Stay tuned to this blog for an interesting series that hopefully will change the way we all look at the world around us!

Personal Bible Study Method

Saturday, September 13, 2008
My Personal Bible Study Method

Ok so I do my devotions like this. I read and then I journal but I cannot count the times that I have longed for more. More substance something I can really sink my teeth into so to speak.

Well I was working through the Joyful Womans manual and I came across a great Bible study method that spells it out wonderfully. Then hubby (being the Bible scholar that he is) and I worked to modify it a bit. And this is what we came up with:

Studying the Bible

1. Write out each chapter or section first (this was suggested bt a professor of mine at Bible College& he was right you get so much more out of the text when you copy it word for word!)
2. read each chapter or section 10 times (I really like to use different versions. you really learn a lot)
3. What is the theme or main thought? There may be more than one.
4. What are the key verses to understanding this chapter/section? Be sure to understand them!
5. What persons are mentioned and what information is given about each?
6. Commands to follow?(C); Promises to be claimed (P); Lessons to be learned (L); Examples to Follow (E);
7. Are there any significant words repeated?
8. Any Words that need defining (think if you had students you were teaching)
9. What logical reason can you detect for the inclusion of this chapter/section in the Bible (this can be connected to #2)
10. What does the passage say about God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit?
11. Write out a simple outline (also from #2)
12. read Study notes/ Commentary on the chapter/section
13. Notes or Ah-ha moments! What did you learn from the text personally?

i really love this method because i can break it up. It does not take very long but yet it gets you deeper in the word! Amazing!