Family Moments

I don’t keep it a secret that we are a pastor’s family.   I am proud of that fact and i am VERY proud of my hubby as he feeds his flock and cares for them.   yes our lives are crazy and most days it is in question whether we are coming or going.  But my hubby realizes that we as a family need to be fed too.  We minister constantly…even our kids LOVE people like none other I have ever seen!

Well it is good for us to get Away…to rejuvenate and  relax!  Well this past October we had such an Opportunity!    All summer long we looked forward to going to Kentucky!  Hubby was going to attend the answers for Pastor’s Conference! A few years ago we got to go to the Creation Museum in Petersburg Kentucky.   Kentucky is in my opinion one of the most beautiful places in the U.S.  Sooo we decided to make this a family vacation. We knew that hubby had a pretty grueling schedule BUT we were all excited about going to the Creation museum.  NOW, the last time we were there Tornado was 3 Ladybug was  and weasel was about 15 months old.  Remarkably the Creation Museum left amark on our then 3 year who is now 6 .  He was so excited.  he talked of dinosaurs and Adam and Eve.  Noah’s Ark and so much more!

We had decided to take our camper and a babysitter!  Mostly so hubby and I could go to the pastor’s and wives dinner!  Which was a blast and we got to hear Ken Ham!  What a joy that was!

Our kids are still asking “dp you remember…?” questions 4 months later.  They talk about the  things they saw and learned.  They Loved the Petting zoo and Botanical gardens…(Especially the T-Rex topiary hiding in the Garden)  HP and I found it by accident and we both nearly jumped our of our skin when we did!

we came home rejuvenated and ready to share all that we had learned! we had a wonderful time and the Craetion museum staff is soooo very helpful in a bunch of ways.  Right down to the police officer directing traffic.  he made it apoint to notice things (Like how many kids were in our car)  He was very helpful and super nice and it is those things that encourage youand make you visit special!

Thanks Ken Ham and ALL of the Creation Museum Staff for making out visits an educational and enjoyable one.  WE WILL BE BACK!

Writing for the Right Reasons!

OK so it is no secret I Love to write.  i always have. I wrote poetry and stories since i was very young and have always done well in ALMOST all of my composition classes right through college (we won’t talk about one college class where we learned absolutely nothing about writing and far too much about a college prof) .  Anyway sometimes I read things on other blogs, or in books, or in the paper (and even sometimes in one of my hubby’s Pastoral magazines or journals…SHHH don’t tell him I read them)

Most of them time I will write about the things that I read where ever that maybe from, but on rare occasions I will choose to NOT write on a subject because I know someone who is directly going through these sorts of things.    And as I have become a teacher i have been talked to about people feeling as though I was directing the talk right at them…..and  personally i have never done that!.  I know of people that this is how they get their message titles on Sundays is by what needs worked on and church ….And there is a time and a place for that!  BUT my teaching nor my blog NOR any books I may write in the future  have anything to do  with anybody else.

I find it funny That I  find myself getting defensive when in reality No one has talked to me about my authorship of this blog or anything else BUT I have been praying so much about things to write about and the things that God has been laying on my heart are difficult topics.  Ones we all go through and struggle with.  My goal is to never seem like I am picking on someone or to  ‘tackle ” their downfalls but to be a help.  This is what God has called me to do.  and one of the many things he has called me to do is to  be bold.  To not fear what others think.  if I am speaking  and teaching his words with the right attitude and heart then I have the right motive and I am doing what he wants!  I may have persecution because of that.  BUT as long as I am holding forth his word he will richly bless me.  Maybe not in money or stature and fame but  as long as I bless Him and lift his name upi have no reason to fear those around me.

And as I embark on this New Year I am going to travel down down some not so traveled roads.  Some you may wholeheartedly agree with and some you may not agree with at all.  That is your choice BUT my writing comes from pure conviction from being in God’s word.  I will not write about my feelings or preferences for as i teach my Sunday school  class I stress that my feelings don’t matter.   What matters first and foremost is God’s word and If my thoughts and  feelings do not line up with that then I am out of line and I need to correct me.

with that being said, it’sstill All about the Walk as my Facebook Page says.  And this Blog is all about walking the Walk.   So are you Game are you ready to Be stretched and encouraged.  Take off the steel toed boots and run around barefoot. You might have your toes stepped on but what doesn’t kill you WILL make you stronger!  And I have Never Heard of ANYONE dying from getting their toes stepped on!

with Much Love and respect

Mary <3

A Family Verse

This year I decided that I wanted to focus on one specific area of need in our family.  i prayed about this and contemplated it for some time and finally came up with this idea.

This year we are going to have a family verse. We needed to refocus on why we do what we do.

the verse we are going to be using throughout this year is 1 Corthians 10:31

whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do do all tothe Glory of  God.


It takes care of a couple of areas.

Namely selfishness, having right motives,and living a God centered life


let me close by asking you this?

Why do you do what you?  And what does God want you to focus on this year!?!


Let’s face it some women are like barracudas…snapping at everything that glitters or shines.  they want lots of jewelry (and high end stuff to boot) and they are not satisfied until they get it.   Well I’m here to make a confession….I am NOT one of those girls.  I am comfortable, not too fancy and i like simplicity!.  i don’t like loud colors though I do like color!! though at one point you may have thought otherwise if you saw my wardrobe of black, white,gray and navy Blue:)


But i must confess that there is one time of the year that my heart leaps for joy and that is the SPARKLE of Christmas.  That’s right SPARKLY STARS, TWINKLING LIGHTS, GLITTERY GARLAND AND TINSEL, AND SHINY ORNAMENTS!  All just make my heart smile.

But, when i speak of all these things I am not referring to the commercializingof chrstmas.  Sparkly stars remind me of the brightest star that shone that first Christmas leading shepards and eventually about 3 years later the wise men.  The twinkling Lights remind me of the awe struck shepards as they stood on the fieldsas the angels announced the arrival of baby Jesus, the glittery garland and tinsel remind me of the gifts of the kings (though it was not that  first Christmas)  Christ is worthy of everything we have.  And lastly the Shiny ornaments- the gifts and blessing that God has given to us.  we all have those ornaments that are well loved, they may be chipped and faded but they mean somehting to is, something special.  i have such an ornament hanging my my tre right now I can see it from where I sit.

It is a small felt stocking with a piece of hite yarn whip stiched around the edge.  it has a piece of snow white fake fur accoss the top and the initials MLS is sparles across the front.  i remember making that stocking.  i was in Kindergarten and my brothers each have one too. Those sparkles don’t “sparkle”anymore BUT as long as I can i will never consiously get rid of that stocking.

And as we each have different ornaments and some may signify different things in our lives God has ornamented our lives with blessings.   So now you know why i get giddy and hy I smile when I see sparkle this time of year.

Slight Rebellion

I have to laugh at myself sometimes. i can be so ugh…what’s the word I am looking for…PIG-HEADED!!

I rebel about this attitude of thankful for the twenty some odd days leading up to Thanksgiving. So much of it is hype. I am a firm believer in being thankful everyday. This is something I strive for and this year it has been more difficult though I am not really sure why!!

The next two months are truly my most favorite time of year (Though i Am NOT a huge fan of snow ; or cold for that matter)
Over this last week and I have been more aware of the little lessons my parents strove to teach me and my two younger brothers. Some of them are CLICHE but if you take the time to listen to them life is SOOOOOO much easier!

So the major one is “if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all”.
Now sometimes we need to hold each other accountable BUT we need to be careful. We can hurt others and keep them from furthering their walk with God or halt them from getting to know Christ at all. As i study our Sunday school lessons I am discovering that encouragement is the key to helping anyone grow IN EVERY way!!!

So in light of what i just said….i shouldn’t be rebellious about the twenty some odd days before Thanksgiving! Because they are part of the 365 days in a year and i should be thankful during them as well! So my moment of slight rebellion is over. And i am a better person for it!! AND IN CASE YOU DIDN’T CATCH IT Today i am thankful for my parents who taught me how to function in life and care for people!