Making some changes!

Hi all! Well it’s all done; we went to closing on our new house this past Monday!!! We had prepossession of the house and have been living here for a little over a month BUT now it is all official! I am enjoying our new home and I think our kids LOVE it too!

As I have been away from the blogosphere for about a month or so, I have had some time to think. Thinking is good…RIGHT?

I have grown to realize that writing is what God has created me to do. I LOVE it. I have started my first book project though I am not quite sure how long all of this will take me. I will still be doing some fun stuff to be sure and I will be reviewing more books! In the long run it will be better for everyone. I will also be utilizing the “it’s all about the walk” Facebook page more and keeping you up to date on things that are happening in the world around us.

I have joined two new affiliate programs. One is What’s in the Bible with Buck Denver and the other is with Dayspring so stay tuned on both of those because there are great deals coming your way. Along with more reviews for both NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Publishers!

I have become more focused and more driven then ever before in EVERY aspect of my life.

Honestly this last year was rough and to tell you the truth this year has the potential of being the same. As we grow we should share that growth with others and that is why I plan on being more transparent. I will be slimming down on my blog roll it has come to my attention than some of my blogging buddies from a few years ago are no longer doing this SOOOO I will be removing some of that dead weight as well. If you are one of those people and you still want to be on the blogroll comment here ASAP!

One last note: Stay tuned for the Ultimate Blog Party hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom. I will be posting pics of our new home then for my party Post!

In the mean time Be Blessed!

Have You Seen These Guys??? Blimey Cow :)

These guys are AWESOME! Note there is heavy sarcasm but it is well worth your time. Highly convicting! A great way to talk to teens. The kids in our Youth group LOVE these guys!


Check Out their Facebook page

Romance Novels Yay or Nay? (Discretion is advised tough subjects)

Let’s just say I may make some enemies on this one. I have felt God’s leading on this subject since Bible College where I took a “Counseling Women” course. Our Professor Mr. M challenged our thoughts on said subject.

Now I am by no means here to TICKLE your ears with what I think you want to hear. I am here to grow in my walk and to share my journey and why I am convicted in certain ways. So here it is…whether you like it or Not!

So let’s start at the beginning. Let’s differentiate between Christian and secular……As a believer we should NOT be putting in our minds the SMUT of secular romance novels. There is a lot of pre-marital and extra-marital affairs, profane language, and details we do not need to be thinking about outside our own husband/wife relationship (notice the singular). We should not be thinking on such things. Philippians 4:8-9 tells us that we need to think on good things and not on things that go directly against what the Bible says. Sin is sin and we are to have NO part in it!

OK so that being said, you might be thinking SOOO Christian ones are okay right? Well let’s talk about that!

NOW let’s talk about how each of the sexes gets turned on (I think I don’t need to get more obvious)!! Guys are turned on by sight,  that’s why pornography is so big amongst the male species (I know some girls struggle too).  But what turns on the female species..can you guess it…..WORDS. Our minds just run with words so even though the smut isn’t talked about that is where our minds run. We automatically start going down that road. Did you know that romance novels trigger the same portion of the female brain that pornography does the male brain. NO JOKE! Same emotions, same thoughts. (I know I will have lots of those who say NOT ME! Well let’s give it a little test. Pick up the romance novel you just set down and read an emotionally driven portion that ends in kissing. Now tonight when you are getting ready for bed and kiss you hubby compare the feelings…the feeling you had that morning while reading that portion of the romance novel will trigger feelings that weren’t there when you kissed your hubby that night. THAT should NOT BE!! Not to mention the dangers it has on a relationship, romance novels give the “perfect outcome” in most books. And I have seen on more than one occasion that a marriage or two or a dating relationship has been taxed because the wife feels her hubby cannot match up to the ideal of Joe Shmoe from such and such novel.

Continue reading “Romance Novels Yay or Nay? (Discretion is advised tough subjects)”

Supporting our Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

To say the least I am VERY frustrated. I was annoyed when so many people came down so hard on the Bronco’s Tim Tebow.  But now it has started all over again with Kirk Cameron. I couldn’t care less about what the unsaved say about these two men. Persecution is one thing BUT when BELIEVERS start knocking their fellow believers because they are taking a stand and living an exemplary life and using their stardom to make Christ known.

I have read quite a few blogs that have knocked both men. And might I say that NONE of them had reason to. Both men lead blameless lives and take very seriously their call to be Christ-like.

I would like to remind these nay-Sayers that there is a verse from the Bible that speaks right towards this issue and I believe that specifically these two men are following this verse as God intended it

For everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required.” — Luke 12:48.

These two men have been blessed with talent, ability, and popuarity and they are using these blessings to share their faith! And for that very reason I support them. They are good at what they do. And for the record I am not a Broncos fan, and even though I watched Growing Pains as a kid, I am not one of  those fainting screaming nut cases.

As long as they aren’t going against what they claim to believe and living a Christ-like life I will support them in what they do – famous or not!