Did you know that if you have an iPhone or iPad you have the oppurtunity to “purchase” an app that is beyond amazing! Don’t worry if you are an Android patron then your app is on it’s way! Why is it so amazing…..like I would leave you hanging!
It has all of the major translations
Literally hundreds of bibles in other languages
Bible helps (bible dictionaries and commentaries)
Bible reading plans (& the ability to share your progress via your choice of social networks)
Highlights and notes
The ability to contrast different translations right next to each other
It’s no secret…I have been completely open about being a pastor’s wife and quite honestly, I love it…well most of it!
So as my dear hubby has been working so very hard on his Masters of Theology (ThM for short) we (as in our family of six) have embarked on almost every journey to Michigan with him! Well my dear friends my very intelligent hubby graduated this past week and I am so very proud of him! He would have graduated with honors had the school recgnized ThM students who attained honors. Anyway as a thank you they gave all of the graduates wives a gift. It was beautifully wrapped, and it was obviouly a book……oh boy one more book…lol. I don’t really think that way though; I LOVE books!
Lol would you like to know what I am talking about?
Of couse you do…or you wouldn’t still be here. Who knew you could get SO much out of two verses…yes two!
Ok so let me explain…I have been rethinking some things…basically a personal re-evaluation. We all need to do this from time to time! It’s very important. And in doing this I thought about what I do what I watch…all of that “stuff”
I asked myself “What are my worst time thieves” and “what are they keeping me from accomplishing?”
Definitely very hard questions to ask oneself! And these things (let’s be brutally honest with ourselves) are usually very entertaining! However they are not very rewarding and you have nothing to show for it when it’s all said and done!
So I picked three things that were non-negotiable. These are things that are beneficial and help me to grow!
So the first two were easy…..
1. Blogging/social networking (but no games)
2. Crafting…..cards scrabooking and so on!
But none of the others I could rightly justify!
I wanted to be a part of a Bible study BUT not one I was leading! And I stumbled upon a few sites that intrigued me! One does an online Bible study every so often. They offer the book for free printing and the study guide for free printing. You register a group and the cool thing for people like me who didn’t have a group I was able to find one by using the message boards on the site and now we e-mail every day! That’s what I call accountability!
So I am into day two of this new experience and I have gotten so much out of four verses! That is only two a day!
So I encourage you to hop on over to Good Morning Girls and check it out! It’s AMAZING!
It’s necessary! It is not easy by any sense of the term but God calls us to it!
“Confess your sins one to another” – James 5:16
But that verse doesn’t stop there. Directly after the command to confess is to pray for one another. We need accountability but we need good accountability.
Now I am a pastor’s wife and I am a ministry leader. I teach women God’s Word whether I am speaking it OR living it and I have to be very careful how I handle myself. I have to be loving, patient, and kind along with not having a judgmental attitude. It’s not easy since I am human after all and there are times I fail….and fail horribly at that!
Not only do I hold people accountable but I also need to be held accountable! I am not excluded from sin or temptation…..and finding the right accountability partner was NOT an easy task either! So how on earth did I do it? Continue reading “Accountability!”→
It’s not kind to me…it never has been. The stuff that says non-drowsy is sure to knock me for a loop and the stuff that IS supposed to make you sleepy – LOOKOUT. As a kid allergy medicine made me unbearably grouchy and as an adult it makes me do some really stupid things…namely looking for the cereal in the microwave and today has been no different. It makes no sense…and neither has half of the things I have done today. But this makes me realize something. If medicine that is supposed to make me rest and get better has these adverse effects on me I need to made sure that everything I put into me isn’t going to change my behavior. Drugs alcohol and even TV and music…in more minor forms.