Soooooo I got an email from……

……oh wouldn’t you like to know? Actually I want to say this if you are a Christian who works with or has or loves a little kid who is a big fan of Veggie Tales I have some news that I want to talk to you about! Now about that email. The email was from MovieGuide. They send out e-mails concerning family centered entertainment choices! The most recent email I received was concerning VeggieTales who had been purchased along with Classic Media, which includes Rocky and Bullwinkle, Casper the Friendly Ghost and some others, by none other than Dreamworks! When I opened the email it startled me because there alongside of our once beloved VeggieTales stands Shrek and his whole ogerish crew! Now many of you knew I lost interest in VeggieTales back when Phil Vischer lost ownership, but this newest developement leaves me as a mom scratching my head. By placing Veggie Tales next to Shrek is Dreamworks preparing us for a drastic change? Will we be hearing crude donkey jokes out of sweet little junior asparagus? (or at least something along those lines??).

I have found all of this very interesting! I hope you do tooo. We need to keep our eyes and ears open as we guard what is absorbed by the little hearts and minds God has given to us to be stewards over. I am not telling you what to choose either! We need to be watchful and understand what on earth is going on around us! We need to be informed!



I learned somthing new……

…about myself anyway.  I think  I have always known it but it became very evident last night as I neared the end of C.S. lewis’ book The Screwtape Letters.   I found myself getting giddy. And as i thought about it i realized that i really enjoy finishing things.   Goofy right!  I made myself laugh.   I like finishing projects, events, seasons, stages in my kids lives (especially that infamous diaper stage), books, Bible studies….and even bottles of condiments and so on.


But as i thought about this it started seeming not so strange.  Just as a runner wants to finish a race so i want to accomplish my goals!    So as  a mom i know my kids and hubby have been well taken care of by finishing off food we have purchased!   As i finishreading a book i am a little closer to becoming a more knowledgeable person and as i grow older and near er the end of my life i know that i can finish well!  I want to accomplish all to the glory of God…or at least some of it.   And i press towards that mark of hearing well done good and faithful servent!

Forced into a Miracle

Exodus 13:17

When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near. For God said, “Lest the people change their minds when they see war and return to Egypt.”

I found this verse so very interesting!

Obviously God knew that the Egyptians would be following them and that when the Israelites discovered that the Egyptians were hot on their heels, they would want to turn back. So God took them not the obvious way, which was wide open, but instead He literally put them between a rock and a hard place!

The path in which God took the Israelites ended at the Red Sea! So we know that on one side is a sea! Then behind them on the opposite side were the Egyptians who has had them in slavery for hundreds of years! So what about to their right and left…HUGE ROCK CLIFFS. There  was no way for them to get out and it was all ON PURPOSE!!! There was only way to go…the logical answer right? The Red Sea. They were forced into the miracle! What a concept. They had no choice they had to go!

What about you? Has God done something similar. He does it all The time, we just may not see it. Be on the lookout for God’s blessings that look like trouble to start!

Then thank Him!

My Thorn

2 Corinthians 12:8-9

Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

I have clung to these verses for years. It has served literally as my sanity! I know I am by no means Paul, nor do I care to be! (I like being a girl!). Though I do think that Paul is one of the best examples of a Christ emulator that we have!

Let’s start at the very beginning (because that is a very good place to start)!

At age 13 I was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. I was the youngest documented child having this ocular disease at that point in time! At age 14 I had surgery but by 16 my eyes had returned to their pre-surgery selves and I was devastated. I knew what it driving…Ever! The next 6 to 8 months were rocky to say the least. I was struggling with the new identity that everyone was throwing on me…..that blind girl! I could have screamed…oh wait I did…MANY MANY times. That’s not who I was and I was not about to let it define me!

It was during this time that I got baptized and accepted a call into full time ministry, which at the time I thought was for missions but God had different plans!

While working through all this these verses became my peace. I remember in college taking these verses and applying them. I begged God, but to no avail. So I have clung to the rest! But when I finally accepted AND embraced this new me, I was bombarded by believers who said…. Continue reading “My Thorn”

Good Morning Girls Goals

Well yesterday’s assignment for the Good Morning Girls Bible Study was to write out our goals for our study. So I decided to share mine with you here.

  • Become more consistent in my daily walk with God.
  • Become more intentional with my husband and kids.
  • Become more purposeful in everything I say and do.

That’s it…a simple yet very powerful assignment!

Enjoy your day!