A Bitter Choice Made

I don’t talk much on here about our school choices for our kids, but I have wrestled…oh how I have wrestled.

We have chosen a path for our children, one that was rooted in much prayer and I’d girded with much sacrifice.

I want to preface this with two disclaimers

1.  I have nothing against parents who send their kids to public school.

2.  I have nothing against parents who homeschool their kids.

So those two things being said, I expect understanding that we chose the path of Christian school for our kids.  We have received a lot of flack from mostly Christians about why we have chosen that path.  

It’s expensive…yep!

It’s different….Yep.

I’m not going to sit here and apologize for it either..  My husband and I are both products of public school.  I transferred my senior year to a Christian school.   It was by far the best year of school until that point.  I have a great group of friends that extend out of that….thanks Dave, Richie, Howie, Greg,Goldie Tom and Jeff.  I still laugh at loud at some of the antics, lunch conversations……and study hall mischief (Mrs H you were the best!). Were the kids perfect ?  No way !

But as we had kids and I tried doing preschool…..I quickly learned homeschooling was NOT for me!  I could do it, but that’s not what God wanted for me….I was miserable and so was Tornado!   Then we moved…..we prayed, we did our homework.  We prayed, we prayed and we prayed! AND WE PRAYED SOME MORE!   We attended parents nights and finally settled for what we thought we could afford.   

Here are some fundamental truths we clung to as we made this decision.

1.  God wants us to be good stewards of all that he has given us, whether that’s our money, our cars, our house OR our children!

2.  We should not put in garbage into our bodies, or minds.  We define “garbage of the mind anything that  goes against God’s word!

3.  That we must teach our children to love and honor God, in all that we say and do.

That’s just a few.  And when I say we settled, I really mean we settled.  It wasn’t the best choice for our family….it was the most reasonable!.  And we paid for it too!   Our kids were broken.   Even I as their parent was afraid of parent/teacher conferences..

I don’t know which was worse, the day I heardthe teacher of my two oldest screaming at the class down the hall, or the day they told us our autistic son was not welcome to come back!  

So we found ourselves searching.  This time with new eyes….eyes wide open….what school is best for our kids?  At this point we lived in a different district.  Evaluations were being done on  weasel, a one to one aid, Speech, Physical, and occupational therapy.   But our question was public or private…..a lot of people asked why not homeschool him?   

1.  He’s autistic…we have a lot of friends who do that, homeschool their autistic kids….BUT, our little UNsocial butterfly would be much happier not a part of a group, but it is far better for him  to be with people and learn social skills!

2.  He would be I eligible for help, and I nor my husband are qualified to get him past the hurdles he has to overcome in school.

So that left us with two options.

Private or Public?

Well we were still convicted on the three listed above but now we also had to ask, which is best going to nurture the mind of an autistic kid who can’t  differentiate between reality and make believe….OR ….at best accepts pretty much everything he sees and hears as truth.   

Now I’m not looking for a theological discussion on post modern philosophy.   I will just explain it like this….if it goes against God’s word then it’s not truth!   That’s our FAITH,no religion, not something we just pulled out of the air.  It’s our convictions!

So Christian school it is.

We are constantly teaching God’s word here at home.

The character qualities of Jesus.   You see a lot of people view Christian school as the safe education of their children.  “They learned it at school so I don’t have to worry about it here! At home!”  That is where we differ from a lot of people I guess….we look at school especially Christian school as a back up, a safety net.  A place that is going to follow through on what we are teaching at home and church.   A place I don’t have to second guess that what they are teaching is contradicting the bible and their dad ( a pastor) .

But now I find my self deep in sadness.  A bit of confusion because we were sure God was leading us to have weasel in this particular school….this school is great, but it’s not meshing well. Our other kids are very happy and are excelling!  But now I feel as though my back is against the wall.  I love the people he’s working with at the public school he has made great strides and improvements, but I can’t help the feeling that I am sending my poor defenseless sheep into hungry wolves.  To confuse him.  I feel like I’m not doing a good enough job protecting his mind and what goes in.  I know he will be taught things contrary to God’s word.   

It’s like a neat lady once told me you need to hold your husband and your children with an open hand, for when you are holding them too tightly , you may have to let go.   I have protecting him for so long now, watching every little thing that enters his body, whether it be by mouth, eyes, or ears….it is now that I must let Go and let God do the guarding and protecting his mind.  I must trust God….for I know not what else  to do!

is It really Worth Awesome or is It Just Cool?

Let me start by asking you this……

How many times a day do you say “that’s awesome”. Do you as a believer in Jesus really mean “that chocolate cake is awesome,”

We have seriously lost sight of what awesome is.  

My hubby noticed a tend forming with our oldest son….he was hearing him say every little thing was “AWESOME” .  So my hubby began to address the issue with one question.

Now i’m sure you want to know that one question….and I am going to share it with you but first what does awesome mean?

Merriam Webster defines it as:

1.: expressive of awe <awesome tribute>
a : inspiring awe <an awesome task>
b : terrific, extraordinary <had an awesome time>

Dictionary.com defines it as:




inspiring an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, orfearcausing or inducing awean awesome sight.

showing or characterized by reverence, admiration, or fear;exhibiting or marked by awe.


Slang. very impressive: That new white convertible is totally awesome.

So now that we understand what awesome means, let’s get back to that little question.

Are you ready?
No that wasn’t it…but this is….”.is what you’re saying is awesome truly worthy of worship?”
WOW!  Talk about convicting.  I was in another room when I heard hubby correct my son’s misplaced worship the first time.  This is not stemming from what one person wrote as a song.  Awesome God was written to be worship to God, because He is worthy of worship, awe, reverence, admiration and fear.
Is cake, cars, someone doing tricks on a bike, my husband for bringing me flowers?  Not a bit!   They are worthy of worship. Yeah the cake is delicious.  The car and the dude on the bike are cool and my dear hubby is sweet!  But not worthy of worship!
So what about nature?  Is a waterfall awesome?  My question is this are you saying that because the waterfall deserves reverence OR. Are you in awe od the One who created said waterfall?  I think it becomes easy to slip into saying a word…scratch that I KNOW it is because I have done it.  Such simple teaching and yet, i have learned so much!
Just some food for thought!

Getting Ugly

That is what I did today….i got Ugly! What does that mean? Well getting ugly is that all out crying moment when you can’t control tears, sobs…..anything. It’s that moment you fall to your knees and cry out to Jesus for your sanity’s sake. It’s that moment you have nothing left to give this world, and you need strength, mercy and grace lest you end up on the 5 o’clock news! (You hopefully understand that I said that to make a point!) It’s the breaking point where you have no where else to turn.


I have been catching up all week on a Bible Study God laid on my heart to join….4 weeks late! AMAZING thing is, i have almost accomplished that goal! So why all the ugly? Why today? Why now?

Continue reading “Getting Ugly”

When Your Husband Makes You Cry!

Whoa there before this gets blown out of proportion, he didn’t do anything wrong!

he is amazing and each and everyday he grows more and more!   But this week, and over the last month I  have seen my husband change, and not for the worse.  He is taking a stand for something he believes in, our family!

Let me first say this, a lot of times Christian wives (particularly pastor’s wives) get the raw end  of the deal.   Both hubby and I find it apalling that pastors use their ministry as an excuse to make their wives single mothers!   This has been a frustration for a VERY long time, mostly because it couldn’t be more wrong!

in our home we have made the committment to sacrifice for each other!  That’s  exactly what our wedding vows said.  That does not mean that I get all of the responsibilty on Sunday mornings for our kids.

Now most people would say that I personally have issues.  That I am a selfish wife and so on and so forth.   I have a problem there to. I didn’t tell my husband to think that, matter of fact my husband will tell you he has actually has asked me to “nag” him on certain things, to which I refuse!.   since we have been married my husband has completed two degrees and is working on a third.  for a couple of years he went to school full time, worked full time and ministered full time,.   We  all made sacrifices.  During  that time I was accused of being selfish .  More or less i was fighting for our family.   To keep it strong and healthy!  But My husband is a very wise man.  I respect his wisdom and knowledge!  But first and foremost we are a team!  Without that team he is ineligible to be a pastor.  That means if we have a bad marriage his job is on the line.  God NEVER intended a job, whether a male or females to come before their marriage!

So why did my hubby make me cry? Continue reading “When Your Husband Makes You Cry!”

Thoughts From the Heart.

I have mentioned a few times that I have been working on the Good Morning Girls Bible Study. It is my first time participating in an online Bible study and I have loved it for the most part and I look forward to the next one. It is hard to believe there is only two weeks left! It has flown by so very quickly…too quickly.

I have shared only a few things but this week, I thought I might share something that hit me. We will start at the beginning of the week with Monday’s verse:

Proverbs 31:30 – Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. (ESV)

The very first thing is the little phrase, “is to be praised”. Notice it’s not “will be praised”. King Lemuels mother is telling her son to praise God fearing women…particularly his wife, after that what she is teaching him to look for is a God fearing woman.

Then as the week progresses we hit the passage that challenged my heart…actually the very next day: Tuesday!

Continue reading “Thoughts From the Heart.”