Making some changes!

Hi all! Well it’s all done; we went to closing on our new house this past Monday!!! We had prepossession of the house and have been living here for a little over a month BUT now it is all official! I am enjoying our new home and I think our kids LOVE it too!

As I have been away from the blogosphere for about a month or so, I have had some time to think. Thinking is good…RIGHT?

I have grown to realize that writing is what God has created me to do. I LOVE it. I have started my first book project though I am not quite sure how long all of this will take me. I will still be doing some fun stuff to be sure and I will be reviewing more books! In the long run it will be better for everyone. I will also be utilizing the “it’s all about the walk” Facebook page more and keeping you up to date on things that are happening in the world around us.

I have joined two new affiliate programs. One is What’s in the Bible with Buck Denver and the other is with Dayspring so stay tuned on both of those because there are great deals coming your way. Along with more reviews for both NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Publishers!

I have become more focused and more driven then ever before in EVERY aspect of my life.

Honestly this last year was rough and to tell you the truth this year has the potential of being the same. As we grow we should share that growth with others and that is why I plan on being more transparent. I will be slimming down on my blog roll it has come to my attention than some of my blogging buddies from a few years ago are no longer doing this SOOOO I will be removing some of that dead weight as well. If you are one of those people and you still want to be on the blogroll comment here ASAP!

One last note: Stay tuned for the Ultimate Blog Party hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom. I will be posting pics of our new home then for my party Post!

In the mean time Be Blessed!

I’m back….

Greetings all.  I’m back!  We have moved into our new home, had our inspection…PASSED the inspection and now closing is  on Monday!  In between we have had a killer stomach bug that wiped all six of  us out within two days for nearly a week.  So what I posted would be a “short one to two week Hiatus”  turned into nearly a month long vacation…Ok NOT SO MUCH!  LOL!!

Thanks so much for sticking with me and we will have a bunch of posts about things that have happened over the last month.   To say the least it has been  full of challenges attacks and so much more!

I have missed you all and look forward to reading your blogs!

Writing for the Right Reasons!

OK so it is no secret I Love to write.  i always have. I wrote poetry and stories since i was very young and have always done well in ALMOST all of my composition classes right through college (we won’t talk about one college class where we learned absolutely nothing about writing and far too much about a college prof) .  Anyway sometimes I read things on other blogs, or in books, or in the paper (and even sometimes in one of my hubby’s Pastoral magazines or journals…SHHH don’t tell him I read them)

Most of them time I will write about the things that I read where ever that maybe from, but on rare occasions I will choose to NOT write on a subject because I know someone who is directly going through these sorts of things.    And as I have become a teacher i have been talked to about people feeling as though I was directing the talk right at them…..and  personally i have never done that!.  I know of people that this is how they get their message titles on Sundays is by what needs worked on and church ….And there is a time and a place for that!  BUT my teaching nor my blog NOR any books I may write in the future  have anything to do  with anybody else.

I find it funny That I  find myself getting defensive when in reality No one has talked to me about my authorship of this blog or anything else BUT I have been praying so much about things to write about and the things that God has been laying on my heart are difficult topics.  Ones we all go through and struggle with.  My goal is to never seem like I am picking on someone or to  ‘tackle ” their downfalls but to be a help.  This is what God has called me to do.  and one of the many things he has called me to do is to  be bold.  To not fear what others think.  if I am speaking  and teaching his words with the right attitude and heart then I have the right motive and I am doing what he wants!  I may have persecution because of that.  BUT as long as I am holding forth his word he will richly bless me.  Maybe not in money or stature and fame but  as long as I bless Him and lift his name upi have no reason to fear those around me.

And as I embark on this New Year I am going to travel down down some not so traveled roads.  Some you may wholeheartedly agree with and some you may not agree with at all.  That is your choice BUT my writing comes from pure conviction from being in God’s word.  I will not write about my feelings or preferences for as i teach my Sunday school  class I stress that my feelings don’t matter.   What matters first and foremost is God’s word and If my thoughts and  feelings do not line up with that then I am out of line and I need to correct me.

with that being said, it’sstill All about the Walk as my Facebook Page says.  And this Blog is all about walking the Walk.   So are you Game are you ready to Be stretched and encouraged.  Take off the steel toed boots and run around barefoot. You might have your toes stepped on but what doesn’t kill you WILL make you stronger!  And I have Never Heard of ANYONE dying from getting their toes stepped on!

with Much Love and respect

Mary <3

Women of Faith Confrence-November 4th and 5th

So back a few months ago i was catching up with some friends on facebook when one of my friends(who also has a blog) linked to a Booksneeze offer to be a Women of faith blogger.  They were offering not just one BUT two free tickets to any of the Women of Faith Conferences this fall.  All you had to do was send in some info,post a badge to your website and publish two blog posts one before and one after the conference!. I was super excited But I figured who would select me and my little old blog!  I knew too that this could be a great chance for me to go since funds are limited.  Well i had no idea how many they would choose probably only one per city right so when I saw that my friend Jen from Reflections in the window had been chosen I was bummed BUT the tickets went to a great blogger …..But when I went to check my email can you guess my delight when I too had been chosen.  I was ECSTATIC!


This joy was renewed when I got my tickets in the mail too.  But I was also reminded that I had to write this blog post…..


So if at all possible come join me in Rochester for the Women of faith Imagine tour November 4th and 5th!

And A HUGE thank you to both Women of Faith and Booksneeze  for such an awesome privilege!