It’s a cyber shower

For Susan and Janice over at 5 minutes for mom! Go there to sign up for a bunch of chances to win some great prizes. Here are my attempts. #1 My bump picture. This picture is from when I was pregnant with Tornado! #2 Is my horrific laboring experience giving birth to Tornado. My husband left for Work at 3 am (he was in the middle of a summer module class at Seminary!) I started to have contractions at about 2: 50 am but after one false trip to the emergency room I decided i wasn’t going to say a word until i was sure, but by 3:30 or 4 I was sure. I had lost the mucus plug and I called Hubby at work. He told me to call the hospital and he would be right home. I called . The nurse proceeded to tell me that they didn’t wan me to come into the hospital until my contractions were three minutes apart steady! I lived 30 minutes from the hospital! So when Ron got home my instructions were to take a hot shower and to rest. Hubby went back to work about 5. We thought he would have to miss class. He called at 8:30 before he left for class. But nothing, they were still 7 to 10 minutes apart! So he went to class and got home around 3. Luckily I had an OB appointment at 4. I showed up for the appointment and the doctor had expected to see me hours earlier, so he canceled my appointment. They took me in and discovered I was four cm dilated and I handed him 2 sheets of paper front and back with three columns on each of consistent contractions of 7 to 10 minutes apart for more that 12 hours. I was already tired! He sent me downstairs to the OB wing of the hospital. they hooked me up to all the machines. The doctor came back downstairs about 5 pm and said “If you were my wife I would break your water” So we said Ok! I think that was a mistake! About 9 pm I started having insane contractions. I would finish one intense contraction and start another. I asked for medicine. I took what seems like a long nap but later discovered it lasted at 5 minutes. i had to ask for a second shot. That didn’t work at all so Hubby had to fight with me to get a spinal. I finally conceded and it took the guy about two hours to get there. I felt like I was going insane. Nothing was making sense. The guy arrived and the spinal was torture. It made my leg twitch and I was already cold and it made me colder. I had a short time of relief. But then the pressure came. I was ready to push..or at least i thought I was. I proceeded to push. Two and a half hours past and the poor child was not even close. He was in the birth canal but I was done I was exhausted I couldn’t do anymore. On top of that my temp was spiking. Finally we asked the doctor what our options were. The doctor looked at us and said “well I’m not going to push him back in there and do a C section.” I promptly said in a not so happy tone “no kidding” So he told us a about the vacuum. We said OK..what a nightmare that was! It hurt really bad and well it was weird too. it took them three tries and they finally yanked him out! It was over. And might i say the spinal didn’t really work. I gave birth to Tornado at 2:55 am almost exactly 24 hours after i started. I thought it was over but I had a very large tear so the “numbed” me and proceeded to stitch me up. I became very skeptical that night of pain medication!. And I didn’t use any when I gave birth to ladybug 14 months later! I had a long recovery but it was well worth it.

Oh my goodness. I have been tagged.

Well here it goes I have been tagged for the first time by Michelle over at Between Diapers and dishes

Here are the rules

Here are the rules: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things,as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. I taught in a Chinese university straight out of high school!. I was there for 6 weeks. I was 19 and I came home and had to be at college 10 days later.
2. I got paid to play with a bungee ball in college!
3. I got married on my graduation day from college.
4. I have not spent more than 6 months in the last two years and nine months not pregnant!
5. I like to eat grilled cheese dipped in Spaghettis sauce. (the result of my first pregnancy)
6. I really like ASPARAGUS, LIMA BEANS AND LIVER! However not all together or in the same meal.
7. I can count to ten in German, Chinese, Spanish,Korean and of course English..however it’s a little rusty…. just kidding

Now for my seven picks of who gets to be tagged
it’s me, Val
Monkey Giggles
MonkeyKisses – Liz
Twisted Cinderella

Party Time

The Ultimate Blog Party is officially underway. Are you excited ? I am !

What great fun. I am a newb at all this so this is my first and hopefully not last blog party. Go ahead read my posts. all of them if you so choose and the head over to % minutes for mom to sign the Mr. Linky and join in on the fun! There are a lot of great prizes to win. Either click on the ultimate blog party button on my side bar or click here and it will send you to 5 minutes for mom! Have fun And please leave a comment!!

I love Games.

I love to play games. it’s one of my favorite things to do. My husband was quite alarmed at the size of my game collection when we got married. (He didn’t appreciate them nearly as much as I did!) Needless to say our game collecion has grown quite a bit since we were married almost 4 years ago. He actually enjoys playing now and that makes me very happy. All that said 5 minutes for mom is having yet another give away just link HERE and go join in on the fun. I’m sure you have a ryming good time!!! You’ll understand one you get there:)