I have a feeling that most people have preconceived notions about what others “biggest regrets” are. Or at least I do.
Yeah I know…don’t go there…it’s fault I know! So I decided that I was going to go through a list of what was basically a set of interview questions. I decided that in this new year I would try my hand at some new writing exercises that is sure to grow my writing ability and let you my readers get to know me better.
So here it goes, my biggest regret might surprise you……
My biggest regret isn’t persuing my desires and talents as a kids. As a kid and into my teenage years, my heart ached with the desire to paint, draw, create and write. I was what you might call a closet artist and writer. I journaled voraciously . I loved every single English Composition class I ever took….minus that one in college that another classmate claimed “was the best ethics class he ever took”.
I especially loved (and still do) creative writing! One of my favorite pieces I enjoyed writing in high school was a piece in which we had to pick a person from some point in the past and explain to that person something that existed now that didn’t exist then. It was hard but I loved that Challenge and that is kind of why I chose to answer some of questions over the coming years.
So what made me be a closet artist/writer, you might ask?
1 thing and 1 thing only. Fear!
Everywhere I went I was heavily criticized. After a Lincoln -Douglass Debate in my high school communications class I was asked to be on our school’s Forensics team (no not dead bodies people) public speaking! But I was told I couldn’t. It wasn’t until I met the guy that I now call hubby. He began encouraging me in these things. He was the first AND ONLY (until I started this blog) that has ever read any of my writing. Outside of my teachers growing up, only my eyes read my papers. Same for college. It’s amazing what a little water and some sunshine can do for a flower. Without that type of encouragement I would not have this blog. Without that type of encouragement a book would not be possible. His opinion has never been that I am wasting my time but that I am becoming who God created me to be. He truly wants to foster that in me. I am happiest when I am doing the very things God has created me and gifted me to do!
In all amazement, I sit here writing this. I never would have thought that 15 years ago I would be writing for ALL the world to see. I have been asked my multiple people to write a book……and I will EVENTUALLY! I hope to have a mostly completed manuscript by the end of the year. There it is….I’m proclaiming it……I’m a WRITER. I am writing a book.
I have conquered my fear and now I am moving on!