It’s funny…..I have been watching all afternoon as my dear hubby has dismantled my kitchen…..and yet I’m not upset that things aren’t back to normal yet.
For the last two weeks I have watched toys creep hither and yon all over my house and yet…..I’m not aggravated.
I have found writing on my wall……and yet I’m not mad!
In each of those three areas I have great things to be thankful for.
I’m thankful that my dear hubby is waging war on our mouse population. I am glad he is adding cabinets, shelves and making my kitchen look even more finished than ever before! I am glad that my husband has MAJOR skills when it comes to using tools and fixing things. And I am sooooothankful that he hates mice even more than I do and that is quite a feat!
I am thankful that my kids love to play. Though play can be messy at times, it shows me my kids are happy and enjoy their home. I am thankful that I have kids. After nearly loosing one at birth….and that same one is autistic…..and for nearly two years wondering if we could even have kids, God has taught me to not sweat the small stuff! This is only for a short time. Then there will come a time when there are no small children….(though I can’t ever miss stepping on Legos , I will miss seeings dolls, matchbox cars, Star Wars figures and light sabers scattered on the floor!
I am sooooo thankful for the little boy who brings such challenges to my life. The one who has taught me more patience, more love, and more grace than I ever thought possible. I am thankful for 3 therapists who work with him, a teacher who could get him to do things no one else could and an aide who cares for him while he is at school! I am so thankful he is learning to read and to write and though my woodwork and walls are not my first choice for his writing practice it is a daily reminder that he is soaring far higher than we expected him to.
So yes some walls need some attention but I’m almost afraid to remove it, for I know not what tomorrow brings. Each days is a precious gift with each of my children and my husband. I want to remember these successes though they didn’t occur in my desired way.
The walls may have smudges, the floor may have toys and tiny socks, the windows and glass might have fingerprints for the one hundredth time, but they all serve as reminders that children truly are a blessing from The Lord !