Completely Exhausted, Yet Feeling Great!

There are times in my life where God asks me to give just a tad more than I think I have!  The last two months God has required me to rely on him far more than usual.  It’s those times of just finishing one project, just in time to jump into another.

And I wonder how am I ever get everything all done on time?

God knows me all too well!  That’s why he has given me the hubby he did.  A hubby who like Me, spends every bit of himself for ministry and family.  And yet my husbands watchful eye and wise mind knows when to jump in and say, “Mary you have done more than enough!”   

That’s why He has placed numerous ladies in my life who aren’t afraid to say, “Mary, you are doing too much, that’s not important. “. Not that I am wasting my time on unimportant things but that I am trying to do too much!

And yet there are times when I need to do all that is laid before me.  I need to make a gazillion phone calls, fill out half a forrest worth of paperwork, cook enough food to feed an army.  Ok so that is all one big exaggeration but when you look at our schedules it can begin to feel like that very fast!

I need to remember to rely on God…not just in the big things but all the little things.  Despite what I sometimes think…God does not want me to go crazy.  It’s me who drives myself there!  

So yeah I’m exhausted, but because my focus is on God and His purpose I’m excited to push forward