it’s the Little Things-God Knows you Inside And Out

God knows me better than I know myself!  There are somethings that I have hid deep in my heart. Things I don’t verbalize even in those all by myself moments.

For instance:

1. I know some people who have a list of wants for a husband/wife.  These lists can range from silly little things like they must have purple eyes and green hair (come on give me credit….i’m not talking anyone specific and if that happens to be you i seriously had no clue!) to the deep like making sure they have no criminal record (lol again being a vague as possible)  but for me I had a list on the deep side!  Of course I had preference BUT. I never verbalized them….i never prayed for them. And yet God knew.  I love Red hair.  No joke!  I had a foster brother with red hair.  I had multiple friends with red hair. …..i met and married a guy with red hair!

2. Again a list of wants…buying a house….i have always and forever wanted a house with deep window sill to have plants on.  But never really verbalized that.  No even to my red-headed wood-working husband!   But when we bought our home a year ago after we moved in I realized my unspoken want had been met! God knew!

3. Colors.  I’m not holding in the fact that my favorite color is green.   I would tease my red headed wood-working husband who hates light green on cars that if I could choose a car it would be a light metallic green!  To which he would reply….i would never buy a car that color.  Well wouldn’t you know that four and a half years ago we were looking for a car that got great gas milage, was within a certain, price range and could fit our family with room to grow!  I have never had a license and I never will, trust me you don’t want me to either!  And I can say yes I like it or no I don’t but I nearly fell off  my parents couch as hubby described his first choice in a car.  i remember asking ” but the color, you hate it!”  And He responded yes but the price is better than anything else we’ve seen, there’s very low mileage, and we can eventually add a third row of seats.   SOLD!  And I giggle!

These are some little things.  I mean really…hair color, deep window sills and car color.  There is a reason  I don’t put them on a list for everyone to know…it’s because they are shallow!   Would I have still married my husband if he didn’t have red hair…of course!  Would we have still bought our house if  it didn’t have deep window sills…you bet! And would we have bought our car if it wasn’t light metallic green…most certainly!  None of these things are or were deal breakers.  But they are still significant!  WHY?  Well because of this…..

God wants us to realize:

1.  He loves us so much

2. God knows every little thing about us.   

In VBS this week we have been talking about God Sightings.  Things that God is doing in and around us.  God wants us to know He is near and that He cares for us so deeply.  So much so that He takes those little things hidden deep in our hearts, things that no one else knows.  Things we keep under lock and key.

So what hidden things has God made himself known to you through? Things you have kept locked away in the deep recesses of your heart!

Share them with someone!  It’s really cool to hear other’s God Sightings  aswell!