April is……

…….a month we celebrate the birth of our youngest child.
……..is a time of growing warmth and sunshine (at least here in NY).
….. Is a month we generally remember the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior.
…….BEGINNING this year we want to share and make the world more aware of the growing number of children with …..

1 in 88 children have autism.
1 in 54 boys have autism.
And only 4% of children with autism will be able to function and hold down a job as an adult.

(Stats taken from the Autism Speaks website)

Those statistics are mind blowing! And as a parent of a son in this group….i don’t like it. It was hard to come to the realization that We may have to provide care for him through his adult life. Let’s be honest all of us want our children to grow and succeed.

I’m not saying our son won’t grow up to be amazing but as parents we had to come to terms with this sooner or later! We are grateful that he talks (he didn’t until age 3). We are also thankful that he is potty trained. It’s the simple things in life that I at times have taken for granted.

So. Thank You to all of the doctors, researchers, and not for profit organizations that helps families like ours! You really do make a difference in our kids lives and in our family’s lives!

Next year we will join the thousands of others in the light it up Blue campaign through the month of April. Will you consider joining us as well?
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad