Dear weary Mom

Hello all,
It’s been two weeks. In that two weeks i have injured my hand to which I was sentenced to 10 to 14 days in a splint. Yeah that was fun! And Then we got a stomach bug thing! It was kinda weird mostly because i was not allowed to do anything! I went stir crazy. I tried taking the splint off too soon! Boy did that not not help things. These are the Lessons I learned:
1. I am VERY INDEPENDENT, but relying on my hubby for help isn’t all bad 🙂
2. God will do WHATEVER it takes to get your attention, it’s better to pay attention the first time!
3.Adversity enables me to write in a way that amazes me. It is a total God thing!

Now for my letter!

Dear weary mom,
I too am a weary mom. I am riddled with weaknesses and imperfections. I felt insecure in everything I attempted. Failure loomed at every turn in the road. Criticism led to anxiety. I feared failure! I knew I could never be perfect, but I hated to fail!

I thought I was alone in all of this. I couldn’t meet the expectations of everyone around me and i was being crushed under the pressure i was unrealistically putting on myself, but I came to realize a few life changing truths!
1. God loves me just as I am and yet enough to not let me stay that way!
2, i am not alone and I am NOT inadequate. God will give me what I need, just when I need it.
3. The only person I need to worry about is God. Living a life full of grace and mercy is what is going to change lives. The lives of my children are dependent on grace and mercy!
4. God’s grace is sufficient. “Grace, Grace God’s Grace, Grace that is Greater than ALL My sins!” I don’t need to have the approval of anyone other than God. I need to have a 1 Corinthians 10:31 focus

In whatever you eat or whatever you drink or whatever you do do all to the glory of God.

So my dear fellow weary moms, no matter what God hands you, rely on him for his strength! Let me leave you with my thoughts on what I need from other weary moms, shared on the MOB Society’s facebbok page,

I’m tired of hearing that my hands are full. My heart is full , my arms are full but my hands they are empty lifted up to God knowing He and only he will fill my cup. He gives not what I can handle myself but what will push me to my limits and make me rely on him for everything I need. I need to be reminded to rely on Jesus because when I think I have it all figured out, thats when God drops a bowling ball in my teacup!

So mom’s you are crazy busy! But relying on God is the best thing you could possibly do for yourself! Know he loves you! Even if it seems no one else does! The battle is so worth the fight. So fight on and live in grace!
Love your fellow weary mom,

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad