Service Review: AnnieJane Phtography

Back in October or November (how awful i can’t remember) we had our good friend Annie from AnnieJane Photography yet again take our pictures! She does such a great job and this is our FOURTH SESSION with her!

Her first session was nearly 10 years ago when she was the photographer for our wedding! She did an amazing job then and in the three other times since! We were one of her first jobs, and her business has just flourished!

We have some amazing pictures of our wedding day and this is just a small sampling!

And then there was the photo shoot before little bean made his presence known.

As you can see she has a real eye for some amazing moments!

Then there the shoot from when little bean at about 6 months old

You can’t really tell but they had all just been in tears….Annie made them laugh and giggle!
And then there was this past fall…..

She is one of the few people who can get our son with Aspergers to look at her when she takes pictures! And she didn’t even know!

I highly recommend that if you live in the southern tier of NY, that you consider having Annie do whatever kind of photo shoot you need!

You can check out more of her galleries and her photo blog here!

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