Hope for the Weary Mom-week 7

Hi all, i know this is a few days late but i wanted to touch on the questions at the end of Fridays post! This book club has been challenging. If refreshes me and yet challenges me in things I already knew and yet have slipped through my fingers asI have become a weary mom. I have come to realize that being a weary mom is the best place for me to be, because I keep my eyes on Jesus!

This weeks chapter was a great reminder of the power of music!
The song that ran through my head all week……grace, grace, God’s grace. Grace that is greater than all my sin. This song was comforting me in two ways. It reminded me that I’m not perfect and yet I’m covered. Grace takes care of my imperfection! Secondly it’s a great reminder that those who hurt me whether my kids, hubby, or others around me need grace. I need to extend the same grace to them as Christ did to me! Does that mean I am to be a doormat? Nope! Sometimes I need to take a stand and always God will fight for those who are upright. So my character needs to be blameless!

My steps to focus on Jesus, has been beefed up since starting this study! God totally lured my heart here. I played catch up and have been impacted immensely. So this book club has played a big part in that! Secondly MUSIC! And thirdly and definitely the biggest is God’s word. Sometimes it seems so textbook, but it never returns void! No matter how many times i’ve read certain book chapters or verses there is always something new for me to dwell on!

Praying on my knees is certainly a struggle both physically, and emotionally! First off I have been super hard my my knees but that has not stopped me. I don’t pray on my knees as often as I should BUT when I do, and I humble myself to kneel before my creator, my heart refreshes as I pour out my deepest concerns! I want to make this a more common practice but in the same respect I don’t want to become flippant either!

You can find out more at Hope For The Weary Mom!

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