Book Review: From the Heart of a Woman

I. want to start off with an an apology to Thomas Nelson. Due to some unforeseen issues, i was unable to review this book within a timely fashion.

Well. This book is one woman’s journal entries as she walks with God. A sort of Psalm book if you will. It is personal. She takes passages of Scripture and makes them her own.

I struggle with writing this review, not because I feel pressure to give it a good one but because I don’t want to discourage the author. There were letters that were heartfelt and biblically solid.

Yet when an author begins a faith based book with a statement that says basically I am not a biblical scholar so therefore I can’t be held accountable for whatever I might say that is unbiblical. (Those were not her exact words but it was the idea) . It leaves a bad taste in this Pastor’s wife’s mouth. It communicates to those who are new in the faith that they can interpret scripture however they please, and THAT my friends is very dangerous territory!

There were some letters that didn’t play hermeneutical gymnastics with the text and those were both moving and encouraging to say the least but then there were ones that made me so upset because it was inappropriate! I know that one of the most falsely interpreted pieces of scripture in the Song of Solomon. It is not intended to be a picture of our relationship with Christ. It is a picture of love and the struggle to stay pure and love both before and after marriage. So when one of the most intimate love scenes in Song of Solomon is turned into a love scenario with God, i was sickened. I have a relationship with Christ, but the provocative language was not how one should view it. God is my Father, not my lover. He loves me but not as a husband does.

I cannot in good conscience give my stamp of approval for this book. I really wanted to, but I base my review first and foremost as being biblically sound.

(Note: i received a free digital copy of this book from the publisher for reviewing purposes. I am under no obligation to give a positive review)

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