Simple Womans DayBook

FOR TODAY (February 9, 2009)…

Outside My Window…Sunshine Everywhere..Snow melting and and beautiful temps

I am thinking…I am so close ti finishing packing the clothes all up!!!!

I am thankful for…God’s provision…when we need something the most he provides it through the most amazing ways!!

From the learning rooms…NOTHING until I can see the kitchen table again…it’s going to be a LONG couple of weeks!

From the kitchen.. Roast..A BIG roast with potatoes and such…No more baking until after the move…Tornado keeps begging for cookies!

I am wearing.Jeans..a flowered turtle neck. a red sweater socks and sneaks!

I am creating..a House full of boxes!!!!

I am going…no where til Wednesday…maybe to the doc of the kiddos aren’t showing signs of improving in the next two days

I am reading..On the banks of Plumb creek and the Bible…..

I am hoping..Packing will go by quickly now since I have the biggest task atckled
I am hearing..the hum of the computer

Around the house Packing cleaning…Packing …no dishes…Packing….Sorting and did I mention packing!

One of my favorite things.A new discovery…Tostito’s with a hint of Lime…My word are they addicting!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week…PACKING!!! That’s all i do is live and breathe packing…I am going to start having nightmares about cardboard boxes…Packing tape and scissors!

A picture I am sharing with you….

Do you see it?..Yes three but there is something more..look closely! Let me know what you think it is…I’ll tell you later tonight!