Outside My Window…Pretty sunny morning..It almost feels like spring with the snow melting! I am thinking…I love our new church and the family atmosphere that brings joy I am thankful for…the Lord’s safe keeping as we almost crashed early Christmas morning as we slid for a long ways on black ice From the learning rooms…Nothing today a break week! From the kitchen.. I am not quite sure though I do know that I will be using my new roaster/ slow cooker sometime this week! I am wearing…feather pants and a wintery birdhouse scene sweatshirt! I am creating…an organized home..LOL with three toddlers I think that this is an impossible task! I am going…No where FAST! I am reading..Prayer by Philip Yancey, Defuse by Karol Ladd and Zecheriah, Psalms Proverbs and Re3velation I am hoping…for a calm week I am hearing..the hum of the computer Around the house..laundry to catch up on from the weekend, a few dishes and a few random things to pick up All the Christmas presents have been put away and I need to finish tidying my craft room BUT I am almost there! One of my favorite things..GAMES of any kind..board party you name it and I’ll play it..Few restrictions apply A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week…Send Christmas cards HMM yes they have NOT been sent yet! finish craft room and take care of laundry A picture thought I’m sharing with you…
Simple Woman’s Daybook
FOR TODAY (December 29, 2008)…
Tornado loves to take pictures with our camera. So this morning MOMMY lost her camera and enlisted Tornado’s help in finding which he did….for his reward this is what he got to do Take some pictures..This one is of our den we are remodeling…AND his fingers!! Mommy searched and and low but with no luck found it so when mommy went out to the truck this morning to look for something else Tornado spied it hanging just where mommy left it hanging on the outside doorknob…he was standing on the porch proud as a peacock when I turned the corner!