Outside my window…Light flurries. It’s a gray smug sort of morning!
I am thinking…It was a good wekend but we didn’t get as much done as I would have liked!
I am thankful for…A NEW DISHWASHER!! I have never had one before. It is such an incredible blessing!!! ( It was FREE)
From the learning rooms…We are moving classes from today tomorrow since we do three days of Pre-K work. We are going to talk about Veteran’s day..Since Tornado’s uncle is a Veteran and he has another uncle in the Air Force!
From the kitchen…Chicken salad for hubby lunch and I am not quite sure what is for dinner yet…Maybe chili since it’s such a cold cold day!
I am wearing… Light blue hoodie, blue sweatpants sock and sneakers and I am sporting a new hair cut!!
I am creating…Quilling projects. I will Post tomorrow what they look like..Does anyone other than me know what quilling (not quilting) is?
I am going… to go away with hubby on Friday night into Saturday to meet with a new church a few hours away! AND THE KIDS AREN”T GOING!!!
I am reading…PRAYER by Philip Yancey and psalms in the Bible
I am hoping…for warmer weekend days so hubby can get windows in the den replaced
I am hearing…the sound of a HARD HAT HARRY video in the background
Around the house…well we didn’t get to ripping the den apart this weekend so that needs to be done, general straightening and Putting massive piles of clothes away!
One of my favorite things…people who are generous to others. We were the recipient of one of those generosities last night at church. A guy at a church has a tree farm and he gave us a free Christmas tree…A fresh one. Well it was a piece of paper telling us he was giving us one! We have to go pick it out. We have a fake one but I LOVE REAL Christmas trees!!
A few plans for the rest of the week: House back in shape and get the dryer fixed!! I can’t do laundry with out a dryer…if I hang out my laundry now..they won’t dry, they will freeze!
Here is picture thought I am sharing…
The HARD HAT HARRY video in the background…I have learned so much about big farms from the video…and it’s meant for little kids!! LOL!!