A Stack Of Tupperware, Hairspray, A Bunch Of Nickels , One Bum Knee and Our First Ear Infection

So you may be asking what all of these things have in common? Well I’ll tell you. It has all been a part of one of the most interesting days i have had! Ever!!

Let’s start at the very beginning because it is a very good place to start!

1. The Stack of tupperware- this morning, like any other morning I gt up and got hubby off to work just fine! Then I went back to bed! I have been tired because of attempting to stay up late and get up early. So when i got up the second time i fixed the kiddos breakfast and started to put the dishes away! I had a small stack of tupperware stuff that I was collecting to put away all at once. wouldn’t you know I knocked that silly stack over 5 or 6 times in a matter of ten minutes! I should have known then that it was going to be one of those days!

2. Hairspray- On Fridays hubby the kids and myself go out for the evening. well I normally try to make myself more presentable and as I reached into the medicine cabinet for body spray i grabbed the hairspray. Spayed in on my shirt and wondered why it didn’t smell like the blackberry vanilla I love so much. Yet it smelled so familiar. it took me about a minute to realize what i had done and correct the issue!

3. A bunch of nickels– So then on the way to the big city (LOL) I was refilling the change dispensers we have in the truck. I was filling the nickels section when hubby warned me to not fill it too full. Did I listen..not a bit. I was hearing a peculiar noise and I thought it was jammed so i kept pressing the nickels a little harder when all of a sudden the bottom of the nickels section broke through shooting hubby with the spring from inside the nickel section…not exactly one of my brighter moments!

4. A bum Knee- So many of you know I have been struggling with a horrendous knee injury that won’t seem to heal. Standing aggravates it. Walking aggravates it even more and sitting well sitting wants to make me amputate it myself with a butter knife..and that’s exactly how I felt when we got home from our night out…..So you can imagine how i felt when my head hit the pillow and all i could hear was crying and whining because….

5. Tornado got his first ear infection……matter of fact two one in each ear!-So you guessed it that leads me to what i am doing right now at the awful hour. After medicating…using a warn Cherry pit bag and a hair dryer I finally have him bedded down relaxing watching a video. I have wrapped my knee so tight that i feel as though the blood is leaving my leg but it feels supported and the throbbing is lessening. tomorrow morning I will make Tornado a Doctors appointment and all will be well…..

Oh yeah did I mention Hubby and Lady bug are sick too. oh what a weekend this will be!

Sweet Dreams All!