Hubby and I were driving to our doctor’s office yesterday and we were talking about a certain movie that just came out. We saw the first of the three and liked it despite the spiritism that is clearly evident throughout all of the movie, but that another post! Anyway the second movie in the series came out and we were going to see it in the theater, however we heard a review and decided it wasn’t worth out money, because there really was no plot and that the ending was basically non existent. So we again waited to see it on video. I feel asleep and hubby tried to watch it. the attempt was short lived so we said that we would wait to see the third movie in hopes that it would be worth our time and money. Apparently we were wrong again.The reviews have not been raving and pretty much all of our friends are disappointed.
Now with the second we had friends that saw the movie five times in the theater. I guess I don’t understand how people could pay so much money on something that is so pointless. If it doesn’t have a plot isn’t it pointless. That is the question that hubby and I are struggling with for our own family. Any insights.?