Prayer request!

My youngest brother who shall go by Soldier has been intensely touched by the recent killings and capture of the troops who were from Fort Drum NY. This was his home base for four years. He is 24 years old and has lost two close friends who were killed. And have two more friends who are in captivity. Now at this point, I must say if anyone feels the need to post anti-war comments I will use discretion and delete those that i see fit. I am in whole and complete favor of the war. My brother’s testimony of the changes he has seen in his 3 six month terms in Iraq notes that amazing transformation. So therefore unless you have been there yourself I have no need for speculated or media driven comments that have been proven to be clearly one sided. So that being said, here is the details of the request. He is suffering from guilt due to the fact that he wasn’t there to help. This is very common for every war or military action throughout all of history. He also is feeling horrible that he will not be able to attend the memorial services at Fort Drum. He has received a lot of contact from both fort drum officials, other military buddies and from some of his buddies wives. It’s not like normal life where guys only stay connected with their guy friends but also with their whole family. They are just friends either. They are family who have experienced some very tragic experiences. And just like a true family who goes through real trauma and survive the come out stronger and closer than ever before. Thank you for your prayers at this very difficult time for him!And please take a minute to listen to Michael W. Smith’s Song FRIENDS which Soldier just told me that in chapel at basic training they would sing this to those graduating and leaving boot camp. These friends are graduating…hopefully into glory