Tackle it tuesday! #7–you are gonna laugh

This picture has nothing to do with the rest of the post!
Ok so My tackle for today is simple. I am to just plain and simple tackle life….original huh? Well let’s explain why this is such a big feat for this week! Friday night we had a Welcome home party for Hubby’s brother and wife who will be the co-youth leader’s with us! So Tornado and lady bug were unfortunately out to 11 pm! Then Saturday morning at 10:30 am we left (without kids in tow) to drive 4 hours to see a friend of our Master’s thesis be presented in concert form. He is in a music composition Master’s program. He is a music genius and we have been waiting for him to complete this for 2 or 3 years. That was when he was supposed to complete it but had woman trouble! (ROTFL) Anyway so we visited with some other friends while we waited for 7 pm! The concert was fantastic! He did things with a piano I never knew could be done! We then went back with our other friends! We had donuts and coffee! We had a great time and finally left around eleven! About 25 minutes into the driving two things happened! We hit some of the worst fog we have ever driven through and I got sick! The fog caused us to drive at a whopping 25 miles an hour and the sickness caused two pit stops (the sickness c was caused by the caffeine in the coffee- I had no idea I was putting into my body 4 times the normal amount of caffeine) So in having the first pit stop resulted in us missing an exit and swerving a slight bit and being pulled over for drunk driving! Yes drunk driving. The police officer was so nice! So despite all of this we had a great trip home which took a whopping 6 hours instead of four> You got it we got home at 5. Got in bed at 5:30 and up at 7. We had church. You guessed and remember my husband is a pastor so he was teaching Sunday school. Praise the Lord the kids weren’t along for the ride. So needless to say. My tackle this week is Life. I am still quite tired today after two nights of sleep. they weren’t the greast but it was better than we had on Saturday/Sunday–oh yeah and we still lost an hour cuz of daylight saving time!