So today Hubby called me from the church and started out the phone cal
with,,”I am so sorry Honey” My first thought is What Now?? The last
three weeks have been absolutely maddening! Everything has gone wrong
on my end of things…A sick kid and then my Yucky circumstances over
the last few days. A recap. Sunday morning woke up with PINK eye..By
Monday afternoon had the flu and yesterday went to the Doc’s and found
out I had an ear infection too! have you read one of my blog posts from
this past weekend called ATTACKED…if
not.. you should because it totally just reiterates how I feel to a T!
So what was it he did..He informed me we were having company at 2
pm….not just any company but serious company..and it was an elderly
person..AND I HAVE THE FLU! I mean I have been disinfecting everything
BUT that hasn’t stopped Tornado from getting sick last night. I have
not slept in 3 nights..or at least well! However I have an Awesomely
sweet husband who called her back and explained our circumstances and
she was very VERY gracious..She’ll be coming on Friday..Unless we start
an epidemic! So all’s well that end’s well!